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Wow, I looked ridiculous.

I was standing in front of the only mirror in the boy's locker room that reached the floor so I could admire my reflection in the mirror's dirty and milky surface. Although I had shown up in sportswear, the Coach had given me the team's uniform and told me to go change in the locker rooms.

So here I was, pretty and petty in my oversized uniform.

I wasn't sure if he was joking when he said that it was the only size left and that he would order me one that fitted as soon as he could. Why couldn't I just keep on my own clothes? It wasn't a game today, for god's sake – it was only practice, and my first as well.

I looked ridiculous. I couldn't go out there dressed like this.

The shorts were supposed to end just over the knees, however the pair I was wearing easily covered those body parts. The big shirt made me look like a kid that had put on their older sibling's clothes. My whole look could only be described as sad, and I wasn't used to that at all.

At least my hair was still magnificent.

With a sigh that admitted defeat I left the locker room and went back out to the field where everyone was doing stretching exercises. Warmup was taken a lot more serious now than it was during PE, and I so wasn't looking forwards to running for who knew how long.

I didn't dare to look at anyone when I made my way over to Gill. Once I reached her I copied the others and stretched my legs.

"Oh my god," she snorted. "You look adorable."

I glared at her with as much hate in my gaze as I could bring up. I turned seventeen in December – I didn't want to look adorable.

"Say that again and we'll see how fast you can run with a broken leg," I mumbled. I rolled my eyes when Asher next to her looked up and took in my appearance, his lips turning to his usual smirk.

"You're still missing the shoes," Gene chimed in as he appeared next to me. I looked from him down to my shoes. They looked awesome, but they weren't suitable for playing soccer – shit, maybe I should have considered that before boldly telling the Coach to sign me up for the team.

I couldn't deny that I regretted that decision already. I hated what I was wearing, I had to spend money to buy extra shoes and my legs felt like they would rip apart any minute from all the stretching I was doing.

Michael had been surprised when I told him I joined the team. Actually, he was practically beaming with joy. Maybe because I wasn't a depressing loner like him, or maybe because he had the house to himself for some time – I hadn't yet decided which one I preferred.

"How come you're all sharing your thoughts with me all of a sudden?" I grumbled in annoyance. "You weren't talking before I got here."

"Shouldn't you be glad that we all want to talk to you?" Gene asked with a smile.

I rolled my eyes. "You just want to make fun of me, and I don't need that."

Of course it was Asher who replied to that. "How couldn't we when you literally look like a kid?"

Gill sighed and smacked him in the arm, but he wasn't done yet.

"Hold on," he laughed. "Why do midgets always laugh when they play soccer?"

Oh no, he wouldn't.

He shot me a smug look. "Because the grass tickles their balls."

"Asher, really?" Gill reprimanded him. "At least short people don't look down on others."

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