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Ellies POV:

I woke up this morning next to Jack, he was already awake and he was just sitting up on his phone.

Jack: Morning babe

Ellie: Happy one year 

Jack leaned in and kissed me, I couldn't believe that we had been together for a year. 

Jack: happy one year 

We decided to lay in bed together for about an hour before we actually got up, We eventually got out of bed and got ready to go and get breakfast. Jack had a drawer of clothes that he left at my place so he could change into them.

We decided to go to a small cafe that wasn't that far from the apartment. 

We were sitting in the cafe in the cafe eating breakfast and I decided to give Jack his present I had got him a Rolex and I can't lie it was quite expensive. 

Jack: Omg you didn't

Ellie: Omg I did

Jack: I love you so much

Ellie: I love you more

He leaned over the table and kissed me, ten he put the watch on his wrist. After he hd put it on and stopped flexing on people.

Jack:I got you a little something too

Ellie: Did you now

Jack: Yeah 

He pulled an envelope out of his pocket and gave it too me, I opened it and inside was a little card. I looked at the card and my face dropped.it read "We are going to Bora Bora next week xx". I got up from my seat and gave Jack the biggest hug.

Ellie: You're the actual best 

Jack: Im guessing you like it then

Ellie: Of course I fucking like it, you know that its my dream place to visit

Jack: Yeah hence why I booked it 

Ellie: I love you, I love you, I love you

Jack: I love you too

I sat back down and for the rest of our breakfast I just kept telling him how great he was. When we were finished we went back into the car and drove back to my apartment.

Ellie: I hate you, you know

Jack: Oh yeah, whys that

Ellie: Because, you booked us flights to Bora Bora and you're taking me out for a fancy meal later and you brought me a fucking Jeep. Like you spoil me too much

Jack: That because a princess needs to be spoiled 

Ellie: That was really cringe but I kinda loved it

Jack: Yeah I know 

Ellie: I love you

Jack: Thought you hated me

Ellie: Ugh shut up

He just laughed at me as we pulled up to the apartment. We got out of the car and walked up the stairs. To my surprise all the boys were in there as well as Katie.

Ellie: Oh hey guys

Zach: Hey guys, happy one year 

Ellie: Thanks, um not to sound rude or anything but what are you guys doing here

Daniel: Jonah's siblings are in town and they are staying in the house so we thought we would come and stay here.

Ellie: right ok

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