New Super Hero in town

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-Your pov-

I grabbed Billy's hand and ran out of the cafeteria. I look back and see Brett and Burke wipeing their faces, as they ran after me. I laugh as Brett trips over himself.

I glance at Billy. His face is bright, and he's smiling widely. He looks back and laughs, is it possible for laughs to be cute?

I turn a corner, and see a sign that says stairs. I quickly pull Billy with me, as I open the door to the stair case. We run up the stairs, and I let go of his hand to open a door.


My eyes widen.  I try it again.

Nope, still locked.

I hear the sound of the door opening, and Billy grabs my hand. He pulls me up the last flight of stairs, and we open the doors. We run through the empty hall, and we turn the corner.

I see a blue sign to my right, and stop. I tug Billy's hand, and point to the sign.

"I didn't know their was a swimming pool at school." I say.

He frown. "I didn't either. Maybe it's been shut down or something."

I smile, and jog to the door.

"Let's check it out!" I exclaim.

I hear him sigh, and I open the door. Only to hear another door open.

"Where are they?!"

I quickly grab Billy's arm, and drag him inside. I quickly shut the door, and then turn around.


"Umm, Billy. Where are you?" I ask in the darkness.

"I'm right in front of you, YN." I hear him say.

I dig into my pocket, and pull out my phone. I turn it on, and press on my flash light.

The flash turns on and I shine it against the wall. I search for a light switch, and when I see it. I flick it on.

The lights turned on, and then it broke. 

"Well. That's great." Billy said.

I roll my eyes, and flash my light at him. He squinted at the light, and point it at his chest instead.

"Well, do you think the their gone?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "After what you did... no. Probably not."

I sigh, and turn around. I look around with my light, and see boxes. I walk over to them, and open one.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Searching these dumo boxes for light. What are you doing?" I ask.

He walks up next to me and crouches next to another box. I pull out a black ball that has small colored holes in it. I pull it out more and see a cord attached to it.

"What's that?" He asks.

I shrug, and walk over to where I remember seeing an outlet. I set the ball down, and blug it in.

It turns on and the room is covered with different colored spots. I smile widely, and see Billy smile. My eyes shift to a tarp on the floor, and I stand up.

I walk towards the tarp, and carefully untie a string that was holding it to the ground. I lift it and see the water softly waving from the movement.

I stare at it mesmerized by the movement.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Billy asked suddenly.

I turn my head to the left, and look at him over my shoulder. I give him a small smile before looking at the water again.

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