Torn apart

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-Your pov-

I sat on my bed, staring out the window.

I love Billy still. Why can't I just let him go!? He tried to kill me!!

No he didn't.

I stood up and looked around my room.

"Who's there!?" I say.

I am. Look in the mirror.

I frown and walk to my new closet, and saw my fully body mirror. In the reflection I saw the girl, the girl with my normal red hair.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were gone." I hiss.

She shook her head.

I need to show you the truth, before you can go truly dark.

I laugh before scoffing. "I'm already evil honey. And I'm not going back. So you can go and shove your lies up your ass."

I turn around and walk out of the room. Only for the door to shut, before I can walk out. I turn around slowly, and glare at her.

No. You need to see the truth.

"Oh, and what's this truth? That your a figment of my imagination? I can see that as being true." I say.

Everything. The truth about everything.

I frown.

Put your hand on the glass.

I glare at her and slowly walk to the mirror. I slowly reach my hand out, and press my right hand on the cool glass mirror.


I blink and see a bright world, rainbows almost everywhere. The ocean, clean and pure from pollution. I am in mid air, hovering over the ocean.

"This is Earth. Millions of years ago. The time that I was alive."

I turn to my right and see her next to me. She turns and looks at me.

"Why are we here? I thought you were 'showing me the truth', or some shit." I say.

"To show you the whole truth. We need to start at the beginning. And this is the beginning." She replys.

I sigh and look ahead again and notice someone flying in the air.

"Is that-"

"Yes. That is me. Or was me." She said.

I nod. We slowly fly after her, and I notice someone else flying.

"Who's that?" I ask.

She sighs. "That, was the love of my life. The very first Shazam."

I look at her in shock. But I turn back to the blue haired girl and red suited boy.

They were talking, both of them had blushes on their faces. But their smiles were bright and wide.

"We were perfect together. We were going to get married, but then  . . . The sins were freed."

Time fast forward, and I see the Shazam family fighting, along with Riptide.

"We fought and it seemed like years. But we had finally got the upper hand on them. Then the boss came. . ."

I turn to Riptide, her red hair bright but tainted with darkness. Her eyes clouded with sadness. I turn back to the battle.

Riptide was fighting with her love, the strongest Shazam sibling. Like Billy, he had all the powers. They fought in perfect sync, never missing a single beat.

"But then, one of the sins snuck up on me."

I saw the winged sin right behind the blue haired Riptide. And his claw when through her stomach.

"He didn't realize it until it was to late." She whispered.

I see Riptide falling to the ground, clutching her bleeding wound. Shazam turn and saw her, after he had finished off the boss. His face cracked, and he let out a scream in anger and sadness.

He immediately ran to her side, and cradled her in his arms.

"Your gonna be fine my love. We can fix it up, and you'll be fine. Then we can get m-married, and have k-kids. P-please keep your
e-eyes open." He begged.

The dying Riptide coughed and put a bloody hand to his cheek. "It's to late for me Benny. I will forever love you. No matter wh-what."  She says before coughing up blood.

"No no no no, stay with me Clary. Stay with me!" Benny says.

Riptide, or Clary smiles with a small streak of blood at the corner of her mouth. "I love you Benny. Remember that."

Then her eyes drift shut, and Benny screams.

I look at Riptide. "I still don't understand why you showed me this."

She looks at Benny. "After I had died. He became depressed, and the boss somehow managed to talk to Benny. Made him believe that he could bring me back. And Benny believed him."

Time skipped forward again, and I saw Billy destroying houses. With people still inside, their screams loud and pain filled.

"He did everything he was told to do. And soon, his heart was dark. But when he demanded for me to be brought back, he learned that it was a lie. That I was never coming back. And then he died, killing himself. No longer able to stand everything he did."

I look at Riptide, and notice her tears falling down her cheeks. She looked at me.

"But he was brought back. And he became the last of the seven sins."

The image changed, and I saw Benny morfing into the sin.

"All of the sins, were once apart of the Shazam family. But if they go dark and die. They come back as a sin, forgetting their past life."

I look at Riptide as the image changes again.

"And if what you say is true, then Billy's soul should be darker."

I turn back around and see Billy in his room. Laying on his bed, staring at the top bunk. Obviously lost in thought.

"Touch his chest. And you'll see the truth." Riptide says.

I nod, and walk over to him, waiting for him to move, or look at me. But her doesn't.

I hesitantly put my hand above his chest, before actually touching it. The images of the last time he saw Doc, and the night I almost died flash in my mind.

I pull my hand back breathing harshly,  and my hand shaking.

~Vision over~

I collapse on my bed, my hand still shaking. I look back at the mirror, trying to slowly my breathing down.

"That's what the truth is. He never did try to kill you. He was trying to save you, from him."

She disappears, and the door opens. I turn and see Doc sticking his head in.

"Everything alright?" He asks.

I nod. "Just fine."

He stares at me before nodding. "Be down in a few minutes. We're leaving to go and collect a few old friends of mine." He says.

I nod and he shuts the door. I lay back down and stare at the ceiling.

Fuck, things have just gotten more crazy.

《Hi, sorry for the late update! Hope you liked this chapter!
Later ya players.

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