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-Your pov-

I stayed up reeaally late last night, just to learn about this red cyclone. And I gotta say, he is really cool! I mean he can run really fast! And he can fly and shoot lightning out of his hands! And he can jump really high, and he has super strength! And he is immune to being shot at!!

Sorry, I don't mean to totally fan girl over that.

But I mean, that's really impressive! And he also has sidekicks I guess? I mean theirs like five other superhero, and each one has one of his powers....

*gasp* Maybe their brother's and sister's!

That would be sooo cool!


Again sorry. Don't mean to do that.

-Billy pov-

I was waiting in front of school for YN to show up. And when she did, she was carrying a note book.

"Hey what's that?" I ask as she makes her way ul the steps next to me.

She drops her book and looks at me. She then puts a hand on her chest and lets out a deep breath.

"Billy, jesus. You scared the shit out of me." She said as she picked her book back up.

I chuckle, and point at the book that she was dusting off.

"So what is it?"

She looks at the book and at me before the book again. She smiles at me, "I'll show you at lunch, I promise." She whispered.

"Hey, Blueberry!" I hear someome shout.

YN freezes and sighs before turning around.

"What Ash?" She said.

I turn around and see a black haired boy. Wearing a white shirt and jeans. He looks to be about 13 or something.

The boy smirks. "Is that how you really wanna talk to me Blueberry?" He asks.

YN sighs again. "I'm sorry, Lord Ash. What can I do to be of service to you?" She says with almost no emotion.

He sighs. "Make sure my clothes are clean and dry when I get home today. And clean my room while your at it. It somehow got messy again." He says before walking past her, bumping shoulders with her.

I look at him as he walks away, and back at YN. Who was currently glaring at him.

"Who was that?" I ask.

She sighs, and looks at me with out turning her head. "My brother."

And then she walks away.

~Time Skip~

All through my classes I was trying to get her attention. But she kinda ignored me. And when lunch came, she sat beside me and Freddy like nothing happened.

"Hey guys!" She said as she sat he stuff next to her.

"Hey YN!" Freddy said enthusiastically.

"Hey." I replied, still mad that she ignored me.

YN frowned and looked at me. "Is something wrong Billy?"

I frown and glare at my food. If I look at her I might snap or do something completely stupid.

"No. Not really." I mutter.

I feel a hand cover mine, and I look at her and see her smiling.

"You don't have to tell me now. But know that I'm here, and that you can talk to me."

I smiled slightly, and decided to get it off my chest.

"Well, you uhhh. Kinda ignored me in class. And it was kinda bothering me."

She gasps. "Really?! Oh Billy! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! I was just kinda lost in thought. .." She said.

I nod and smile. "It's fine. So, whats in the book?"

She smiles widely, until a tray landed on our table. We looked up and saw her brother standing their.

"Mind if I sit here?" He said completely ignoring YN.

"Sure!" Freddy said.

I glare at the boy and turn to YN who was digging through her bag. She then quickly brought out her book and opened it.

"These are thing's that I learned, about the red cyclone and his family." She said opening the book.

I glamce at Freddy who was now staring at YN. Who was not noticing his staring.

"I think that the red cyclone, and his side kicks are family. Because 1, they each have a power he has. And 2, they each have the lightning symbol on their suits." She said enthusiastically.

I smile, kinda happy that she was looking into me. . . Okay the adult me. And kinda worried cause, SHE WAS LOOKING INTO ME! She could learn our identities!

"Well what about the water girl, Blueberry? Got any data on her, cause you seem pretty close to her." Ash said.

I look at Ash shocked, and I see him smirm behind his drink. I look at YN, who glared at Ash.

"You know the new super hero?" Freddy asked a little to loudly.

The cafeteria went quiet and YN stood up.

"NO! I don't, he's just kidding!" She said nervously.

After a minute, they went back to their own thing. And YN sat back down.

"Why would you say that Ash!" She complained.

Ash rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

"Wait, so do you?" Freddy asked.

YN went quiet, and then sighed. "Ya, I know her. But don't say anything!" YN said while glaring at me and Freddy.

I nod along with Billy. "So what do you know about her?" I ask.

YN sighed.  "That she controls water, and that she has amhad this ability since she was four." She whispered.

"Do you know how she got it?" Freddy asked excitedly.

YN stiffened, before relaxing again. "She drowned in the ocean, but was save last minute. Her hair changed, and then she had powers."

I glance at Ash and saw him starring at YN. He quickly stands up and walks away. YN closes her book and sighs.

~Time Skip~

-Your pov-

A long day at school, and now Freddy and Billy know my secret. Well, they know that I know the new hero. Really she's not a new hero, she just came out of her super hero closet this year.

But now they keep on asking me about 'her'. And to be honest, it's kinda getting on my nerves. I hope they don't ask me tomorrow too!

I sigh and close the door to my room. I drop my bag on my bed, before turning to my mirror. I walk to it, before closing my eye's. 

"Riptide." I mutter.

A surge of energy rushes through me, and I open my eyes.

Blue eyes, and red hair. The adult me. If I didn't die and get revived by medics. Yes, my hair is originally red. But since I drowned, it turned blue.

And yes. I am the new hero.

《Yes, Riptide is the name of Percy Jackson's sword. But in using it causs I am making a Percy Jackson x reader story. Check that out if your interested.
Later ya players.

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