Chapter 11

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Camila's P.O.V.

The Preseason Classic Tournament went great, our team won our games and the team was so happy that they planned a party to celebrate our wins. However, before I party tonight Dinah and I are going shopping to buy Thanks Giving gifts for Lauren and Normani. I pulled up at the Hansen's then honked my horn twice and waited for the Polynesian girl to come outside but when Dinah finally came out she had her little sister attached to her leg and her little brother on her back pulling her back in the house. I laughed as I watched them pulled against Dinah. She was only freed when her parents came and taken the little ones off and she rushed in my car and locked the door.

"Go before they come back and attack the car." Dinah said hitting my dashboard and I laughed at her before driving away.

"What was it this time?" I asked as I drive us to the mall.

"They were playing tag and as I started coming downstairs they just attacked me." She said fixing her hair and make-up. "So what do you think you're getting Lauren?"

"I'm not sure yet...I was going to walk around and see what stands out to me." I said pulling the mall's parking lot.

"I was thinking something on the sexy side." Dinah joked as I parked my car as close to the mall as possible.

"If that's what you want to get for Normani then go right ahead. I don't need sexy clothing to get my girlfriend into bed with me." I said with a sly smirk as we walked into the mall. "Plus, I wanted to get something nice for the party tonight."

"Oh...did you ask Lauren if she wanted to go with you?" Dinah asked and I shook my head. "Why not?"

"It's a high school party, Cheechee. No way she would want to go. I mean we go to college parties because it makes us look cool but for her to come to ours would be pathetic." I said making up an excuse because truthfully I didn't even tell Lauren about the party tonight.

"Oh c'mon, Chancho, you know the crew would really like to get to know the green-eyed beauty. Plus, you would get to rub it in Austin's face and maybe he'll leave you alone." Dinah said making a good point, Hailee and the other have been bugging me to introduce Lauren to them officially.

"Fine. I'll call her after we finish shopping." I said when I about to walk off but Dinah pulled me back causing me stumble into her. "China." I whined.

"No Walz, call her now." She said giving me a stern look and I rolled my eyes before pulling my phone out.

"Fine." I mumbled dialing Lauren's number. After a couple rings she answered. "Hey baby."

"Hey babe. What's up?" Lauren said and her voice sounded so raspy like she just woke up.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked slowly walking behind Dinah.

"No...I have been working on a project all night and it's been driving me crazy. Why? Were you coming over or something? Because I was just about to take a nap." She told me and now I feel bad asking her to the party.

"No fine since you're so tired." I said running my fingers through my hair.

"What is it, Camz?" She said pushing for what I needed.

"Well Vero is having a party tonight and I wondering if you wanted to come with me but-" I started to asked but tried to around it, however, Lauren interrupted.

"Camz, I-" Lauren said but I needed to finish my sentence.

"I would understand if you don't want to go because it a stupid high school party, plus you're tired. I mean which college student wants to go-" I rambled on but she cut me off.

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