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We awoke entwined in each other's arms, the aroma of something cooking. " Hey good look'n, whatcha got cook'n? I sang. 

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She kissed me and jumped out of bed in all her nakedness, threw on a robe, and disappeared into the kitchen. I just lay there, staring at the ceiling, soaking in the splendor of the moments that just passed. I heard her rattling pots and pans and humming a tune to herself.  I called out, "I'm going to take a shower!" she replied, "Make it quick buster, dinner is almost ready."

Her shower was part of the bathtub surrounded by a transparent curtain covered in blue dolphins. The walls were covered in yellow square tiles, contrasting with the white tub, worn away on the edges and around the drain. I turned on the hot water and a little rust blew out, followed by pipes groaning.  I turned on the cold side accompanied by a squeaky rusty chrome handle,  then the lever that routed the water to the shower head. This was some old old ass construction and made me think, "this ain't no place for a single girl."  

There was a bar of soap in a nacelle, shaped like a sea shell, that smelled like Michelle, lavender, spice and something I couldn't quite make out. I normally wouldn't use this kind of soap, but now it was somehow endearing and familiar. I began to lather when the curtain swooshed aside and she was behind me. 

"Give me some of that water buster."  I aimed the warm spray over my shoulder,  She put her arms around me and pressed her ample breasts against my back. "Bet you never took a shower like this before have ya?" 

My half hard flesh came to attention as she took me in her soapy hands. "What's going on down here?" she said, gently stroking my shaft, so hard it hurt. My body shivered as she whispered in my ear as she tongued it, "Better make it fast buddy, dinner's getting cold, c'mon, you can come for me again can't ya?" My response was immediate as the warm water streamed down my body and around my genitalia. I turned around and shot my wad against her belly groaning with pleasure, kissing her neck. 

"You sure are quiet when your excited Merrill," She said, "oh my God." I said, squeezing her tightly,  reaching down to pleasure her.  "Get thee behind me, Satin, There is dinner to had." she made a cross with her fingers before my face. "But you should." she interrupted and moved my hand away, "No buts, I want you to have a warm meal, then we can talk about what's next, now get your cute little ass out of my shower."

We sat down at the little table with candles, wine in fancy glasses, soft music in the background and a kind of magic glow coming from my Michelle, clothed in nothing more than a kitchen apron barely covering her nipples, exposing her perfect smooth round buttocks. She brought two salads to the table, kissed me on the cheek and sat down across from me. "You smell nice." She said. "So do you, me thinks it must be that girly soap." We just looked into each other's eyes for a moment. "God I love you, Michelle, so much I can't even express it properly, how did this?" 

 The phone rang interrupting our bliss. We looked at each other, then at the phone, then back at each other. "We should probably answer that," I said, It rang and rang like they weren't going to give up so Michelle finally got up and picked up the receiver. "Hello?" I heard the voice on the other end but couldn't make out who it was. "Do I have too?" Blah blah on the phone. "I'm in the middle of having dinner with my boyfriend right now." Bla bla, "Shit!" She paused, looked at me me with her hand over the receiver, whispering, "It's work." OK, I'll be there in an hour. You owe me fucker, big time." Bla bla bla, "Yeah right, whatever, see you in an hour."  Frustrated, she hung up the phone with a bit of a slam and just stood there a second shaking her head. "What's that about?" I asked. "It's fucking work, they're shorthanded and apparently I'm the only one they could get a hold of, I knew I shouldn't have answered that damn phone." she sat back down at the table with a mock smile and said. "I'm sorry Merle, duty calls, lets hurry up and eat so I can go."

"Its alright, this has been an amazing day." I said, "I know." She said, "I just had plans for you tonight after dinner. I wanted to wake up with you in my arms again." 

"It's fine, I'll wait for you. Maybe I can take you to work and borrow your car. Then I'll come back and pick you up and we'll go home together."  she sighed and agreed, "you cant hotrod my car, she's all I got and there's no money to fix it." 

The main course was meatloaf with peas and carrots, not unlike my Mom's. We woofed it down, drank our wine, small talked and romanced before she took away the dishes and sprung the baked cinnamon apples on me, still warm with vanilla ice cream melting over the top and a dollop of whipped cream and a cherry on top.

"That's it!" I said, "I'm just going to have to marry you, lady, you cook and everything."

"OK," She said, "I'll marry you, Mr. Graves." She said with a certain solemnity and a crooked smile. 

We sat at that table melting into each other's eyes and holding hands over the aroma of baked apples, meatloaf, and her enchanting perfume, smiling, afraid of the next thing we might say.  Many things passed through my mind as tears began to well in her ocean blue eyes.  I'm too young,  Shouldn't I talk to my parents? shouldn't I finish school and get a job? Am I crazy? is she? It's all happening so fast.

"Michelle Graves, has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" she said, giving me the sexiest, cutest little wink. "Sure does," I said, "Mrs. Michelle Graves, who hasn't even met my family. That's quite a leap, especially with all this other crap going on. I mean, I love you and all but I need to be able to support you, not to mention my parents will have a shit fit and would have to sign papers and stuff.

"There's no hurry she said, we can wait till the time is right, but I'm not willing to take a chance on somebody else swooping you up. I've waited for you to come along Merrill, it's as if I have known you all my life, maybe we lived another life together and re-found ourselves again. Sure, we have a lot of things to work out but, I want to marry you, Merrill Graves. If you will have me, deformed lips and all? You're the only person I've known who didn't make me self conscious about my weird lips, I just love you, please say you'll marry me!"

"Ain't I the one who's supposed to do the proposing? Down on one knee with a ring and stuff. I gotta  lot of shit going on. If I told my parents they would have a definite shit fit. Of course I'll marry you Michelle, of course I will."

I came around the table and got down on one knee in front of her. She was smiling with tears running down her cheeks. With the light of the candles among the smells of cinnamon apples, perfume, and melting wax, I pulled off my school ring.  Surprised to feel her tiny hand shaking in mine, I proposed, my own tears falling. 

"My Dearest Michelle, love of my life, will you be my wife and bear my children forever and ever."

I looked up at her in the evening glow, tears welling in my eyes, and slipped my Verdugo Hills Class ring on her delicate finger.

"Oh YES! Yes I will marry you, Merrill Graves, forever and ever!" 

She came down from the chair to her knees and kissed me like she meant it. That's when I felt Dale's head appearing between us...

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