Part 2

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here we go again...


"A sister?" Nat squealed.

"Yeah, Nat! She lives in California right now, would you like to come with us to go get her?" Tony asked her.

"For real? Like Wanda did for me?"

"You know it,"


Days passed and Nat was packed for Cali. She was so excited, her red hair braided and her backpack loaded with things to show Carol. She was still a bit concerned about Clint, but he had Uncle Rhodey to take care of him for her while she was gone.

Pepper didn't want Rhodey to have to take care of Steve with his health as it was, so she decided she would bring Steve to California. Bucky was NOT okay with that. He was in no way, shape, or form leaving Steve.

"Mommy?" Bucky asked "I packed me a packpack,"

"What for?" Ppepper asked.

"For California,"


"I'm not leaving Stevie,"

As they were taking a private Stark Industries jet, it wouldn't cost them any extra to bring Bucky, so Pepper gave in.

The plane took 6 hours to get to California. Steve slept on Tony's lap against the window, Nat sat facing them and drew pictures of the family for Carol to see. Pepper and Bucky played rock paper scissors for two hours and then Bucky napped for the other 4.

Once they arrived in California, the Starks made their way to the Danvers residence. They knocjed on the door and Mr. Danvers answered it. He shook Tony and Pepper's hands.

"Carol, they're here!" He called behind him. Carol appeared behind him and ran into Pepper's arms.

"Thank you," she whispered. Pepper gave her a kiss on the ear.


A day later, Nat talked the whole flight back to Carol.

"Wanda is our other sister," Nat explained.

"Two sisters?"

"Mmhmm. And 7 brothers. Clint has a broken ankle,"

"Oh no,"

"And Stevie gets sick a lot,"

"The little one?"

"Yeah, and Buck won't ever leave him. The biggest brother is Pietro,"

"Wanda's twin?"

"Yeah. He's weak,"


"Oh sure. Carol, you could beat him in an arm wrestle and he's 9,"

"I'm only 6,"

"I know. He's THAT weak,"

"Nat," Tony intervened "let's be nice," Nat nodded.

"I'm so excited to have another sister. Soon it will say 'Carol Danika Stark' on a door, too,"

"I'm so excited to meet everyone," Carol said.

Steve lost interest in his video (Cars), and looked at Tony, who's lap he was on.

"You okay, Steeb?" Tony asked.

"Yes. I want to be a racecar," he replied.

"I want to be Canada," Bucky said.

"Why?" Tony asked, laughing.

"Because Canada is good,"

"How are you going to be Canada?" Pepper asked. Bucky shrugged.

"Bucky, I can race at Canada," Steve said "If I stop doing plasma,"

"Asthma," Nat corrected.

"Right. I can probably not plasma if I be good. Like the Beast in the Belle movie,"

"Mommy, did the witch make Steve sick?" Bucky asked.

"No," Pepper replied.

"Oh," Bucky said.


Clint was waiting on the porch swing with a nerf gun, headphones, and his crutches when they got home.

"Hey Clint!" Tony said "Whatcha doing?"

"Listnin' to Taylor Swift and protecting the house," he replied. Tony scooped him up in his arms.

"Good job, Clint," he said.


Okay imma sleep now, so I will try to update some more.

Hope you like baby Stevie and Clint!!


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