Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

 I exchanged a look with Whiskey, and in that moment I had never wanted the bathroom tiles to tear apart and the ground to swallow me more. The realization came quickly that I couldn't just go back out there. Because if half the school hadn't just heard me being outed, than it was sure to be circulating right now.

"Lake, are you okay?" Whiskey looked over at me as I clutched the edges of the sink are stared at my reflection. My glasses were fogged from how heavily I had been breathing.


"Maybe you should go home," He suggested. Whiskey's voice was soft and his expression looked younger than I had ever seen him. I took a moment to suppose that maybe this is how Whiskey actually was, and all the other times he was like me -pretending to be someone he wasn't.

I didn't respond, I just stood there. My mind was too preoccupied running over every scenario of what could possibly happen once I left this bathroom.

"Let's go for coffee. Sound good? Yeah, let's go." He didn't wait for me to answer; he used a hand on my upper arm to pull me out of my sanctuary and into the vicious hallways. I wasn't scared, I was terrified.

I noticed the strange glances, and every time a heard a word or a laugh I couldn't help but wonder if it was about me. I had never felt this way before. My plan was always to stay deep in the closet until I finished high school, then leave this stupid small town and go someplace where people were less judgmental. Apparently I didn't have a choice anymore.


"I don't know what the hell I'm doing." I let my head fall against the coffee shop table and Whiskey laughed at my dramatic gesture, running a hand through my hair in the way an owner would to a dog.

"It will be okay."

"How did you end up wrapped up in all this?" I asked curiously as I sipped at my coffee. I valued it more as a method to keep my fingers warm than an actual drink. Whiskey made a strange face, but it only lasted a few seconds before he huffed and let his head rest on his hand.

"It's embarrassing." I gave him a look and he sighed deeply, his hair ruffling as he blew air up at it through his mouth.

"Fine. I got involved in this because I had this mad crush on Mi and I would do anything to get him to like me."

"How long have you liked him!?"

Whisky hid his face into his hand, his cheeks and neck turning to the same colour as his hair. "Too long." He whispered into his hands as I laughed.

"Don't laugh at me!"

He propped his head up just as the waiter slipped to our table and smiled at him, grabbing his empty mug.

"Can I get you a refill?" He had an Irish accent, and dark hair that was in a ruffled mess ontop of the head. He was cute.

Whiskey nodded, barely making eye contact with him. The waiter smiled nonetheless and walked off to get him another coffee.

"He totally likes you." I sang, and Whisky shot me a death stare while taking a sip of my coffee since it seemed pretty clear I wasn't going to drink it.

"No he doesn't, not everyone is gay." He scoffed, and maybe I would have believed it if I didn't turn and see the waiter pouring a new cup of coffee, staring intently at Whiskey.

I nudged him and he followed my line of sight to the waiter, whom immediately hung his head after realizing he had been caught staring.


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