Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

“What do you want for Christmas?” Beatle asked, swinging our intertwined hands as we walked down the sidewalk.

            “Christmas is tomorrow,” I said dryly, and raised an eyebrow at him. Though, it didn’t matter to me that he hadn’t bought me a gift because I had no idea what to get for him. I had a collection of things I picked up through the holidays, but I had a decent reason as to why each one was unsuitable.

            “Your point?”

            “It’s too late to be having this conversation.”

            Instead of trying to argue with me he simply shrugged his shoulders and changed the topic. He didn’t look at me while he spoke, instead staring at the lightly snow covered ground and skidding his boot across it.

“My family has this Christmas party every year, and we do this Chinese gift exchange thing, I don’t know. Do you want to come?”

            “When is it?”

            “Tomorrow night, around six.” My family always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve, leaving only the gift opening for the next morning. It was less hectic, plus we had practically dissociated ourselves from anyone outside of our immediate family.

            “Sounds good.” I nodded and he smiled at me. He dropped my hand when we stopped in front of my house- we had decided to go for a walk while it was snowing since there was supposed to be rain tonight that would wash all of it away.

            “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

            “You can come in, if you want.” I pointed towards the house and he briefly looked down at the time on his phone before shaking his head, which sent snowflakes flying from his dark hair.

            “I need to get Robyn to her Christmas ballet recital.” The idea of Robyn doing ballet still seemed to foreign to me. The first time I saw her in her pink tutu I expected all the typical stereotypes of a young girl. But now that I had been with her enough times, I couldn’t understand how you could get a girl that couldn’t be forced into a dress to wear a tutu willingly. She really was something else.

            “Okay, I guess I’ll see you later.” I tried not to let myself frown, but it was hard. I didn’t want him to leave; I never wanted him to leave. His hand fell under my jaw and he pressed his lips against mine. It wasn’t long or overly passionate; it was quick because it wasn’t a goodbye kiss, it was just a parting kiss.

            He pulled back a centimeter and smiled at me, his green orbs meeting my own gaze. He whispered, “Bye.”

            I let my hand trail from his shoulder to the tips of his fingers, keeping them there only a moment. I bit my lip to prevent my smile from taking over my face and bounded happily to my front door. He watched until I went inside and then he starting walking down the street, disappearing.

            I took off my jacket and boots, looking around. The house seemed surprisingly empty. Since break had started it was safe to say I had been spending a lot more quality time with my family. Not that I didn’t like my family, they were just overbearing at times. Plus, I was trying my best not to notice Hayden sneaking Gemma up to the house the same way I had Beatle.

            I looked past the doorway and saw Hayden sitting on the sofa with his headphones on, which nearly never happened. And it was then that I heard the thunderous yelling from the level above us and it all made sense.

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