Part 6

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Simons pov
"You must really love her" I heard Ant say from across from me "who Amanda?" I asked opening my eyes to look at him "Yeah" Ant nodded "I do, she is bloody amazing" I said softly "why?" I asked "you gave her your necklace, you've never given anyone that" Ant said, I shrugged not really knowing what to say "yeah mate and you didn't want to let go of her" Dec said joining in on the conversation "I didn't" I sighed "It was cute" Stephen added "I can't believe it's my fault that someone is taking my Simon away from me" David said dramatically "oh shut up David" I laughed the others joining in "guys after this I think I'm done" Dec said "Yeah" We all said agreeing "I want to start a family with Alesha and I don't want to be away to much not really being able to make contact with them for months at a time and I want to write books" David said "I just want to own a record label make some shows and obviously see what happens with Amanda but hopefully we get married and have kids someday" I said "oh my god did I hear that correctly, you, Simon Cowell, actually wants to have a wife and kids?" David asked jokingly "Shut up David" I laughed "Wow you really do love her" Stephen laughed "yeah, I'm not sure how this happened but it did" I laughed, everyone laughed and talked for a bit until we all decided to sleep.

When we arrived in Afghanistan it was so hot and everyone was tired and didn't really want to be here right now "guys you'll be working with them for the the duration of this mission, Simon you are in charge of your squad but when on the battlefields General Abdul Rashid Dostum is in charge" Jeff said as soon as we got off the plane introducing us to a man standing next to a horse with 10 men behind him on horses, I nodded and shook hands with General Abdul while Jeff gave him our names "do you know how to ride horses?" He asked in a very heavy accent "yes" We all answered "good" he said making a hand gesture and then 5 men with horses appeared gave us each a horse to ride, we all got on with our guns and bags on our backs before following General Abdul to a base that was heavily guarded by soldiers who opened a gate to let us in, when we got in and climbed off our horses and followed Abdul to a room get looks from everyone around us "this is where you all stay tonight, tomorrow we make our way in to fight" General Abdul said leading us into a big room filled with 5 beds for each of us and a locker next to the beds "thank you General" I said "Your welcome Simon, when you are settled in a little meet me outside by the entrance we came in please, but just you" He said looking at me "Yes sir" I said before he walked out of the room "this is going to be a long 9 months" David sighed putting his bag down on a bed the others soon following what he was doing picking out beds "very long indeed" I sighed walking to the last bed in the room putting my gun down against the side of it and my bag on top of it "I'll be back later I guess" I said picking my gun back up and walking out the where Abdul told me to meet him "Mr Cowell" He said when he saw me walk towards him "Hi" I said standing next to him "What helps getting you threw these fights?" He asked making me follow him as he walked "um nothing really just the thought of being able to go home" I said confused "what at home do you miss the most normally?" He asked "I guess my mum, dad, sibling and my nieces and nephews" I said getting even more confused "don't you have a wife and family?" He asked "No I don't" I said just accepting that I'll probably remain confused for a long time "What about a girlfriend?" He asked "I do" I smiled "and you love her?" He asked "yes I do" I said "so is she one of the things that help you get through these times?" He asked "Well now yes but this is the first time I have been deployed while we were together" I said "oh, how long have you two been together?" He asked "6 months and 2 weeks" I said smiling "and how did she take it when you left?" He asked with a small smile "better than my ex did but she did cry quite a bit" I said softly "they always cry" He joked "yeah. What helps you?" I asked carefully "my wife and kids" He said smiling "do you want kids with your girlfriend?" He asked looking at me this time "I haven't thought about it a lot but I can see me spending the rest of my life with her and a kid" I smiled thinking about what it would be like "when we are in the middle of a battle I want you to remember them and do your best for them" He said "I will try" I said looking around me just seeing mountains, sand and soldiers "how many times have you been in a war?" He asked "5" I said "any bad injuries durning those wars?" He asked "The last one, a bomb exploded near me and I was in a coma for a while then my best friend and his wife looked after me for a while" I said "what's your best friends name?" He asked "David" I said "David... The one that's here?" He asked looking at me once again "yeah" I smiled "I'll keep that in mind then" He smiled as we got to the building we were staying in "call them, we are going to eat" He said leaning against the wall by the door "alright" I said walking in "Hey Si, how was it?" Stephen asked "it was good. Come on" I said making a gesture they would follow me "where are we going?" Dec asked getting off his bed and grabbing his gun along with the rest of them "we are going to eat" I said "oh thank god" Ant said and we all laughed and walked out the door "this way gentlemen" Abdul said as soon as we were outside so we followed him, after a few minutes of walking we got to a another broken down looking room with a lot of noise coming out from and walked inside behind Abdul, the room went quite as men looked at us and watched as walk to a table with the General, he introduced us all individually and then the room erupted into cheers, when things settled we got our food and sat at a table together and started talking and joking around.

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