Part 11

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"Simon, wake up" David said shaking Simon gently, "No" Simon groaned, "We are going to land soon" David said softly, "Come you'll get to see Amanda again" David said trying to get him to wake up, "Amanda? Where is she?" Simon groggily asked opening his eyes, "She is waiting for you on the base" David said softly, "When we will land?" Simon asked rubbing his tired eyes, "In a couple of minutes" Dec said, "Okay" Simon said looking around him, remembering what Michael had said before he fell asleep, "Are you okay Si?" David asked worriedly, "Huh, yeah I'm fine. Why?" Simon asked coming out of his thoughts and focusing on David, "Because last night I woke up to you talking and you were acting very strange" David said softly, "I have no idea what you are talking about, maybe you were just dreaming" Simon lied, "Tell him" Michael said walking in to the cabin from the bathroom, "No" Simon whispered, "What?" David asked confused, "what?" Simon asked pretending not to know what David was asking about, "You just said no" Stephen said, 'I was talking to the guy that's apparently in my head' Simon thought to himself, "I am just in your head" Michael said, Simon looked towards him and opened his mouth to say something but noticed the others watching him, "I was thinking about something and didn't mean to say it out loud" Simon said as an explanation not taking his eyes off Michael, "What are you looking at?" Ant asked looking to where Simon was looking, "Nothing" Simon said looking back at them, "Okay" Ant said looking at him worriedly.

Amanda's Pov

I was waiting on the runway with Alesha waiting with everyone of the guys partners and family, except Simons because we already knew he wouldn't be coming home, I just came with Alesha because she wanted me to go with her to pick David up, "I wish Simon was coming" Alesha said softly, "Me too" I whispered holding back my tears, I still wasn't over it, "Its the plane!" Someone shouted pointing at the plane coming in to land, "Im sorry Alesha I cant do this, I will meet you guys at the car" I whispered  running back to car.

3rd pov

Alesha smiled widely as she saw David, Ant, Dec and Stephen walking out the plane and ran over to David jumping onto him, "I missed you so much" Alesha cried kissing him, "I missed you too" David smiled tearfully, "Where is Amanda?" Simon said looking around disappointed when he couldn't find her, "Simon?" Alesha said shocked when she saw him on crutches and covered in cuts, bruises and bandages, "Hi" Simon said frowning when he couldn't even find his parents, "What are you doing here?" Alesha asked still shocked, "Um, I really don't know how to answer that one" Simon said, "Its just that we were told you had been kidnapped and they weren't going to look for you" Alesha said softly, "Is that why no one is here for me?" Simon asked his frown deepening, "Amanda is here but she just ran back to the car because she didn't think you would be here" Alesha said while David put here back on the ground, "Im so glad you are here" Alesha said pulling him in a hug being careful not to hurt him, "Thanks Alesha, but can you please take me to Amanda I really want to see her" Simon whispered hugging her back almost awkwardly because of the crutches, "Of course come on" Alesha said taking David's hand with a wide smile.

When they reached the car David and Alesha stopped talking when they saw Amanda crying in the backseat and opened the door for Simon, "Amanda?" Simon whispered when he got in the car next to her and she still hadn't looked up from her hands yet, "S-simon?" Amanda whispered facing Simon, "Hi" Simon smiled while Amanda touched his face to make sure it was really him, "Oh my god" Amanda cried hugging Simon as tight as she could, Simon hugged her back also in tears not really caring that she was hurting him, "I thought you were dead" Amanda whispered into his neck, "Im sorry" Simon whispered rubbing her back while David and Alesha silently got in the front, "I love you" Simon whispered pushing Amanda back so he could kiss her, "I love you too" Amanda mumbled against his lips before continuing to kiss him, "Youre parents are going to be so happy when they see you" Amanda smiled pulling away keeping her hand on his cheek, "Have you already met them?" Simon asked confused, "Yeah they came to tell Alesha about what happened to and then I was introduced to them" Amanda said frowning when she noticed the bandages, "Just ignore that please" Simon whispered when he noticed the frown and what she was looking at, "Im sorry, its just i dont want to see you in any pain" Amanda said softly, "Simon would you like us to drop you off at your parents?" Alesha asked softly, "Yes please" Simon said softly leaning on Amanda's shoulder, she put her hand on Simons cheek and gently kissed the top of his head.

When they arrived at Simons parents house, David helped Simon out of the car and Amanda got his crutches and closed the door behind them, "bye guys" David said hugging Simon then me, "Bye" Simon and Amanda said, we then said bye to Alesha and made their way to the massive Cowell manor, "can you please knock?" Simon asked when they got to the top of the stairs "of course" Amanda smiled, "thank you" Simon smiled as Amanda knocked on the door and moved right back to his side, "Simon!" Nicholas, Simons younger brother, screamed pulling him into a tight hug, Simon hugged him back the best he could and comforted him, "whos at the door Nick?" His mother asked walking to the door, her jaw nearly dropping when she saw Simon and Amanda standing there.

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