Chapter 1

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Under your spell. <3

Chapter 1.

Sarah Pov J

I groaned silently as mum gave us another of one of her stupid advices.

‘Oh, and please be nice to your dad, girls.’ My mum said, sweetly

Of course, Mum. I’ll surely be nice to the man who left us.’ I said, my voice.

“And anyway, why did he want to see us after all these years without any contact? And how are we going to recognize him?” My younger sister Katia said.

“Oh please, you know what he looks like. You really resemble him. Come on girls, the plane leaves in thirty minutes. Just behave yourselves, and please, try to be nice to your father. I’ll call you everyday, ok?” Mum said, kissing us goodbye.

“Yeah sure, whatever” I say, grabbing my hand luggage, waving to our mum and her boyfriend.

“Finally! We’re going to London. I’ve been waiting for this trip for months!” Katia says, shaking me.

“I cant belive you’re excited to see Paul!” I say, rolling my eyes.

“He’s our dad Sar. You should be.. you know, happy!” she says.

 ‘Yeah, happy. I’m delighted actually.’ I said, again, all sarcastic.‘Come on, maybe we’ll find two hot british guys, babe.”

 Katia laughs and grins ‘Mmm .. Who knows what London has in store for us.’

‘Who knows. Maybe, we’ll have a great time after all, right?’ I say.

‘Yeah, of course. Especially with dad.’

‘Who told you we’re going to spend all our time in London with Paul?’

‘I don’t know. But mum, told us to behave ourselves in front of dad’

I smile and link my arm through hers. By now, we’re on the escalators and I can see William and mum still waving. I’m not really thrilled that I’m going to London so I can get to know my dad better. After 18 years, now he decides that he wants to get to know my sister and me better. Katia is thrilled that we’re going to London, meeting our dad, making new friends and whatever. To me, it only means, not being able to spend every day with Dan, away from my friends, hating the weather and considering the possibility of running away.

We’re on the plane now and the flight is long and boring. Katia keeps on talking unstoppably and I’m desperate to just get off this plane. When the flight is over, I jump off my seat and grin.

                                 Katia Pov J

‘Can you see him?’ I shouted over all these voices.

‘No! Do you?’ Sarah shouted back, looking around, standing on her toes so maybe she can see better.

I look around too and I can’t see anything. I shrug at Sarah and she sighs.

‘I think we’ll just have to wait until the people clear up a little cause I can’t see a thing.’ She says, sitting down in the corner on the floor. I sigh and sit down next to her. She’s eyeing the people, her eyes searching the crowd.

‘He’ll be here, don’t worry.’ I said encouragingly, putting an arm round her shoulder.

‘I bet he’s gonna dump us, just like before.’ She looks down at the floor and I can see a tear falling. My sister acts tough, but I know she’s a big softie from the inside. She looks up and leans her head on the wall. ‘Whatever.’ She mumbles. I nod and her phone calls. When she sees her screen her face lights up and presses the ‘answer’ button.

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