Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

Katia Pov.

‘Kat, look at this dress!’ My sister shouts from the other end of the shop.

I squeeze my eyes with embarrassment and my face starts turning red. I hop over next to her.

‘You really don’t have to shout you know. I hear.’ I whisper.

‘Sorry. So, what do you think? I know it’ll suit you.’

‘You know I hate dresses, and no.. I’m not going to wear it.’

‘Why? You’ll look so cute in it?’ She says with that puppy dog face.

‘Forget it. NO. Where’s Doreen anyway?’ I ask looking around the store.

‘Behind you. What about this?’ My friend asks.

I Turn around, and I find a pair of soldier trousers in Doreen’s hand.

‘Yeah they’re nice. Could we hurry up please? I want to buy designer wheels for my skateboard.’ I whine.

‘We still need to find a dress for Doreen’s date right?’ My sister says winking.

‘Oh yeah, sorry I forgot.’

I start “walking” around the clothes boutique. Niall’s favourite colour is blue.

‘Blue dress, Blue dress.’ I murmur to myself.

It took me a few minutes to find a blue dress. I took one last peep at the last rack in the woman’s section and a plain blue dress caught my eye. THIS.

‘Boo, guess what I found.’ I shout.

I could see Doreen running towards me with excitement. A smile spreads across her face when I showed her the dress. I trailed after my friend on our way to the dressing room. I sat on a small stool with my sister. We haven’t had that sister-to-sister for weeks. I missed that. She was still shocked and confused about the accident.

‘Don’t even think about riding that skateboard of yours.’ My sister says, breaking the silence.

‘Wha-? Why?’

‘With that broken leg, no way.’

‘I’ve only got a few more weeks, than I’m free.’ I say spreading my arms out like an idiot.

‘Yeah, but it’ll still be a little fragile. You’ve got at leas-‘

‘So, What do you think?’ Doreen says interrupting my sister.

My jaw drops. I’m just..speechless.

‘Wow, It fits you perfectly.’ My sister says getting up.

Doreen looks at me and turns bright red.

‘Yeah, You’re just.. so beautiful. I just.. I’m speechless.’ I say letting out a small giggle.

 ‘C’mon let’s go pay. I’m feeling hungry all of a sudden.’ My sister says, changing subject.

We got to the cashier and I saw a familiar face looking straight at me.

‘Look there’s your bestfriend.’ Sarah whispers, making me jump.

Chloe. I gulp hard, and start to shake with fear.

‘Boo, you ok?’

‘Oh look who’s here, Hello love.’ A voice says from behind me.

I could see Sarah biting her lip and I turn around slowly squeezing my eyes.

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