14 of them

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     The tape sealed to my mouth got more moist as I struggled to get out of the ropes, the sweat seeping put if the little cracks in the tape. I don't know how long I've been here, although I know it's been at least a day because the sun is setting through the glass windows near the celing. The examination table sits in front of me, I'm leaning against a cold metal door. The sweat on my back makes the door wet too. All I can move are my fingers and toes. I think someone injected me in Canima juices because my right sleeve is rolled up and I'm paryalized. I left Ariana at the house, she'll come and find me, and she'll get dad and Scott to help too. All I have to do is sit here and wait, my kidnapper probably isint too far from here.
Speaking of kidnapper...
     "Hey tough guy! Not feelin so tough now are ya? Yeah that's my fault, sorry pal." A similar facade enters the room, I know who it is, and I didn't even have to look at him.
     If this was real, I would of been freaking out about now. My mind wanders to Ariana, thinking about if she is going through the same things too.
     My hands finally break loose from the restraints, and as I look at my fingers I see 6 fingers on one hand and 8 fingers on the other.

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