Chapter 4

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Carrie’s P.O.V

After I got inside I ran straight to my room and called Leah, she was the first person I would want to tell any of this too.

“Leah, far out pick up your damn phone.” I yelled after the 3rd call. I will have to wait till she calls me back, but for now I have to figure out what to wear. I opened my wardrobe flicking through all the clothes till I found the perfect dress, it was fitted blue around the top with a black waistband, the skirt than hung mid-thigh. I put it on and grabbed my black ballet flats, by now it was about 5 so I went downstairs to have a small bite to eat. Around quarter to 6 the doorbell rang. I ran to open it finding Leah standing in front of me, she looked me up and down seeing I was dressed fancy and squealed.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked giving her a big hug. She paused before replying, “I’ll tell you later after wherever you’re going, so where exactly are you going and why didn’t you tell me?”

“Well, I did ring you like 10 times this afternoon to tell you, and I am going on a date with Dylan!” I screamed in excitement. “At 6” I finished before checking my phone for the time, I jumped it was 5 to 6 and I hadn’t done my hair or makeup. I ran upstairs ignoring Leah and into the bathroom, I didn’t want to go too over the top so I did basic light eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, foundation and some lip gloss. I threw my hair up into a high ponytail and straightened it, nothing special. Halfway through doing my hair the doorbell rang.

“Can you get that” I yelled out to Leah rushing to do my hair. I could Leah opening the door for Dylan and gesturing for him to come in telling him I would only be a few minutes.

“I swear you’re always here, aren’t you meant to be in California.” He laughed.

“Well, last time I came to visit and this time my parents came and I have to go to the doctors.” She said. Why the hell would she have to go to the doctors, Dylan was about to reply when he saw me walking down the stairs. His mouth dropped, he was wearing jeans and a grey 3quarter shirt that buttons 1/3 of the way down. It was nice.

“Are you ready to go, my love” he asked smiling. Leah stood behind him silently screaming.

“Yes, let’s go.” I replied taking his arm. I waved goodbye to Leah before closing the door behind me.

“So, I’ve got a surprise for you, I haven’t told anyone this and asked everyone who knew to keep it quiet. The movie we are about to see, no one has seen it before, it is the first screening and lots of famous people will be coming to see it.

“I don’t know if your joking or not” I laughed. His smile widened, “I’m telling the truth.” He smiled again.

“How did you get tickets to this special screening” I asked.

“I can tell you, but then I would have to kill you, but you will find out soon enough” he smiled opening the door for me.

He started driving and I couldn’t help myself but ask, “why me?”

He looked at me confused, “what do you mean?”

“Why would you ask me out, we have never talked before even though you have been in my class since like year 4? Why me when you could have asked so many pretty, popular girls and instead you chose me, a nobody who for one who is not as pretty as any of the girls who have massive crushes on you.” He looked stunned, “we are here,” he said pulling over. I looked around, this didn’t look like much of a movie theatre with heaps of famous people to me. I got out of the car, following Dylan inside the big, what seemed like a shed. Inside there were lines upon lines of limos. Oh my gosh, I have never been in a limo before. He opened the door of the first limo gesturing me inside. Once we got inside it was magical, there were seats around the whole car and a floor in the middle, the inside of the limo changed colours and there was champagne in a fridge at the back. Dylan followed in after me, he sat down and I man in a tux closed the door behind him.

“You ready to go?” the man asked from the driver’s seat. Dylan nodded then turned to face me. “I chose you, to tell you the truth I have no idea. That day I ran into you, I knew who you were you may not have thought so but I did. I asked you what your name is because I didn’t want to seem like a stalker seeing as you looked like you didn’t know me. Carrie I have had the biggest crush on you since 7th grade. To be completely honest I had no idea who you were in year 4, 5 and 6. But In grade 7 on the first day I saw you with Leah talking to the teacher. Your hair was just above your shoulders and a deep brown, you looked so beautiful. I never had the guts to talk to you and over the years I would just look from afar. But when I saw you that day I knew something had to change. Yes everyone knows who I am at school, but I have feelings too. The day I asked you out and took you home I just knew you were who I have been looking for, you should know Incubus is like my favourite band, like ever and that’s why I kissed you. I brought you here because out of everyone I knew I wanted to tell you about this secret of mine.” He finished. I was not expecting that, yes it was a little creepy that he watched me but he liked me, I can’t believe this. I sat their stunned.

“And Carrie,” he said pausing, “you are the most beautiful person I have ever met.” He spoke wrapping his arms around my waist, his lips crushed into mine, I was definitely was not expecting that, I tensed but relaxed wrapping my arms around his neck.

“We are here, you two lovebirds” the driver said. I should have figured there was so much noise coming from outside.

“Okay, Carrie I have to get out first then I will grab your hand and help you out.” He said before wiping his mouth. He laughed putting his hand over to my mouth, “I messed up your lip gloss, sorry about that” he said laughing again. “Looks good now.” Dylan got out of the car like he said but as soon as he stepped out he was rushed away by screaming people, “Carrie” he yelled out stretching his hand out towards me. I grabbed the tip of his fingers and hit my head on the way out. I started to feel a bit woozy, I heard Dylan yell out for me again before I hit the ground.

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