Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
We stood in his doorway for a couple minutes when I realised what was going on. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing here, this guy I've only just started talking to him and my best friend has cancer. I should be spending as much as I can with her, even though I know nothing bad will happen. I let go and the tears stop. "Dylan, I'm so sorry." I say stepping backwards. He smiles at me showing no teeth, "what for darling?" Woah. That was too far, darling? Love? I think this has gone too far in such little time. We need to take it slow. "I can't do this right now, everything is happening too fast I have never talked to you until 2 weeks ago and you stole my first kiss within 2 days." I stopped, did I really just tell him he 'stole' my first kiss? He looks dumbfounded, "I'm sorry," he pauses, "I just assumed you being so beautiful that you had already had your first kiss." His words made my stomach explode with butterflies. "Dylan, let's just not do this right now, maybe in a month or two but I need time to think about what's happening in my life." His face looks heart broken standing in front of me. I turn away and race towards my car, driving back to Leah's house. The door is open and I let myself in, I see the girl I grew up with crying on her bed. Her eyes glistened from the tears as she looks up at me, the usual smile plastered on her face was replaced with a blank expression. She stood up walking towards me, I thought she was going to hug me when she pushed my stomach out the door. She grabbed the door with her hand and began closing it. "Leah wait!" I quivered, " she paused for a moment as I struggled to talk, "I'm sorry Leah, what I said, it was uncalled for." She opened the door slightly but not enough to show that she hasn't forgiven me. "I will always trust you, you're my best friend, it's just you kept it from me for so long and I thought you didn't trust me." I looked at her, her cheeks began to dry once she wiped them with her sleeves. "I couldn't begin to imagine what's happening with you right now and how you feel, please forgive me." I say before standing there for and awkward 2 minutes. I start to walk away when she greets me with a warm embrace. "I forgive you carrie" she says and i smile.

Dylan's P.O.V.
As soon as she left my heart sank, she's right. I shouldn't have kissed her that day, we hadn't even gone on a date I just felt that it was right. She was just perfect. I walked back in side and didn't even bother to watch TV again, I walk up to my room and flopped onto my bed and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my little sister pounding on my door. "DYLAN" she yelled, I could tell she was sick her voice was very nazily. "ITS 10o'clock LATE FOR SCHOOL." She screamed again, 10 o'clock? Oh my god Carrie is gonna think I'm not coming to school because of her. I raced out of bed and into the shower rinsing my body before getting dressed and grabbing a muesli bar before racing to the car. Once I got to school I ran to the office and into class. Carrie wasn't anywhere to be seen, maybe she wasn't coming because of me. I sat down and spent the rest of the day breezing through classes and once the day finished I left school straight away. Once I got home I saw there was a car in the driveway, thinking it was one of mums friends I walked past the lounge and started making my way upstairs. "Dylan" I hear my mom say as I turn around. To my surprise I see a girl sitting next to her, no one I've seen before. I looked at her closely suddenly realising the mistake I've made, Leah. Her long blonde hair that was normally there was gone. My mouth opens, "Leah" I say walking back down stairs. She smiles, "hello" waving towards me. My mom got up and walked towards the kitchen. "What are you doing here?" I say soon realising how rude that was. "I'm sorry, I mean how are you feeling. When did this happen?" Gesturing to her hair. She smiles, "about 2 days ago, but that's not what I'm here to talk about." She says still with s smile on her face. "Okay" I reply giving her my full attention. "Carrie, she likes you but everything is just moving so fast. You did kiss her before your first date." I take in all she's saying while nodding. "I think you should wait a couple months maybe give her some space before you ask her out again." We talk for a bit longer when there's a knock at the door.

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