Chapter 7

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So this chapter is really short but intense i guess so enjoy!


Carrie’s P.O.V

Last I could remember was kissing Dylan in the Limo, after that everything was a blur. I now lay inside a hospital room surrounding by my Mom, Leah, Dylan and oh my Thomas Sangster. I still couldn’t get over that but I needed to keep my cool. I opened my eyes to the sound of Dylan’s feet tapping anxiously on the floor as he chewed his fingernails. He was the first person to notice I was awake, he rushed to my side calling my name.

“Are you okay Carrie?” he asked grabbing my hand. I saw my mom from the corner of my eye, I sprung my hand out from underneath Dylan’s as a look of hurt crossed his face, well I don’t know if he was definitely hurt but the face he made killed me. He was my first kiss, and the school year only started a couple of days ago. My mom walked over to me kissing my forehead, she didn’t say a word. But to be honest I didn’t expect any more than that, I’m even surprised she came to the hospital.

“Carrie,” Leah screamed giving me a massive hug, “dude, I have been so worried about you,” she said still hugging me.

“I’ve just been sleeping,” I laughed, “calm down.” The look on Leah’s face made me sure something was wrong. Leah scratched her neck, and I know being her best friend that when she scratches her neck it means she is nervous. “What?” I blurt out. She look at Dylan then Thomas and then to my Mom.

“Carrie,” she started, “you have been asleep for 3 days. You’re badly hurt. Well this makes it a lot easier for me to tell you my news.” She started to cry. What was her news and I feel fine how could I be ‘badly hurt’?

“Carrie, I have cancer.” Leah said before her head sunk to the floor, her eyes began to swell and go red. Is she playing some sick joke on me? My best friend cannot have cancer, that’s just not right. I need her in my life she’s the only person who I actually knew cared about me. I couldn’t help myself but cry, I could feel the cold tears rolling down my cheeks. But I couldn’t speak, I had no clue what to say. Dylan, Thomas and my mom left giving us some time to talk. We sat there in silence, until a doctor came in. “Sorry, am I interrupting something?” she asked and all my feelings came rushing.

“FIX HER,” I yelled at the doctor, “YOU ARE A DOCTOR FIX HER” I kept yelling.

“I’m sorry I don’t quite understand” she said politely. At this I let go, my tears fled from my cheeks like a race, “GOD DAMMIT, SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND I CANT LOSE HER.” I screamed at the doctor, the doctor asked me what she needed to fix thinking she could solve to problem. “MY BEST FRIEND JUST TOLD ME THAT SHE HAS CANCER, SHE IS 17 YEARS OLD SHE IS NOT ALLWED TO HAVE CANCER. I CANT LOSE HER I HAVE NO ONE, MY MOM HATES ME AND I MIGHT HAVE JUST JEAPARDISED A RELATIONSHIP WITH A BOY WHO I NEVER THOUGHT KNEW WHO I WAS AND NOW THIS, I ALWAYS HAD HER IN MY LIFE. YOU CANT JUST TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME.” I finished leaning on the back of my bed, Leah sat on the floor crying, I for one couldn’t stop crying. Dylan walked in to see what all the commotion was about when the doctor asked him to leave,

“No stay, please” I pleaded. Dylan walked over standing next my hospital bed.

“Leah,” I said as her eyes met mine, “Please don’t ever leave me, I need you” I said before I fell back asleep.

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