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'Well this day was hectic.' Izuku thought to himself  as he recalled the earlier events.

——-/Earlier that day/——-

"WHAT THE HEEEEELLLLL!!?" Izuku yelled out, in a really loud tone too.

"aRGHHHHH!" The red tendril, now known as Carnage shook violently.

"goDAMMIT NOT SO LOUD!" Carnage yelled.

"IM FuCKiNG WEAK TO LOUD NOISES!!!" The red slime demon continued.

"W-What t-t-the h-heck are y-y-you???" Izuku stuttered out. He was obviously confused. He's seen quirks similar to his new situation but he's pretty sure he was diagnosed as quirkless.

"That's gonna bE a LONG story." Carnage replied before continuing on.

"So aLLoW mE to Summarize it. bAsicallY, I'm what YOu guys would cALL aN ALien."

"A-a-a-alien????" Now Izuku was really confused. He didn't think they actually existed outside of science fiction and the other comic books he reads.

"YEs, I COMe from an AlIen RAcE known as The KLyntArS! But you CoulD juST call uS SYMbioteS."

"U-us???? T-there's MORE of y-you??" Now Izuku was worried.

"YeS, buT thEY proBabLY crAsheD on oTher pArts of thiS plANET."

"C-crashed?? Y-you mean that red meteor earlier... THAT WAS YOU?!"

"YoU cAtch oN Quick! YeS, we fled hEre since this waS the closest plAnet with intelligent LifE. And it aLso seeMS that ThiS world'S inhabitantS seeM to hAve powers of thEir Own!"

"Y-yes! P-powers here on E-earth are c-called Quirks!" Izuku said.

"Quirks huh? Then tell me Izuku, whAt's yOUR Quirk??"

"I-I d-don't have one." Izuku said, bowing his head down in shame.

"20% of the Earth's population are born without any quirk, and sadly I'm part of that 20%." Izuku continued.

"H-hey!" Izuku suddenly exclaimed.

"H-how do you know my n-name?!"

"I cAn See inTo yOUR mind now that I've bonded to you." Carnage said.


"Yes, bOnd. You See, KLyntArS cAn't really live  on thEir oWn. So we bOnd to our target hosts And thAt's how we SurVive."

"So you g-guys are kinda like parasites?"

A mixed feeling of pain and rage flowed throughout Izuku's body.

"NgAAHHHJ! DO NOT CALL US PARASITES!!!!!" Carnage lashes out.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Izuku exclaimed.

Carnage slowly calmed down after that.

"We ARE NOT PARASITES! Our host also bEnefits from our bOnd. We boost their physical abilities and can even change their physical appearance as well! We're pretty much liVing Quirks yoU could SaY!"

"L-liVing Quirks??? T-then maybe you could h-help me?????"

"Help You? Help YoU with WhaT?" Carnage asked.

"Y-you see, awhile after quirks appeared, the world adapted and created a system of superheroes run by their countries governments. Ever since I was little, I always wanted to become a Pro-Hero despite not having a quirk. And after what you just told me, I was h-hoping... well.."

"I get it." Carnage said. "Well, you're my host now so I dOn't rEALLY have a choice!"

Izuku's eyes widened and began to grow wet with tears. He finally had a chance. He finally has something going for him for once.

Symbiosis: A BNHA/MHA DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now