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Izuku really had his work cut out for him.

It took a full week for Inko to really accept that Izuku now had a "quirk" and that said quirk was an alien. Once that week had finished, Izuku explained and asked his mother about training and cleaning a nearby beach filled with trash. Inko understood and allowed her son to do as he pleased.

"Dagobah Municipal Beach." Izuku said aloud.

"MaN thiS place is A DUMP!" Carnage exclaimed.

"Yeah," Izuku replies. "But it'll do."

Izuku began to slowly clean the beach. He found an area away from the actual beach that got in nobody's way and decided to pile up the trash there.

It was a slow start. Izuku knee the trash pile was gonna be big so he had to start off with the bigger stuff first to make a stable base for the new trashpile he was dumping everything off too. The stuff he found and had to move was kind of absurd. 3 fridges and 5 washing machines, along with old metal file cabinets and a few metal closets. Moving around all of those stuff wasn't easy and took him three days.

Izuku had ten months to prepare for the UA Entrance Exam and he had to make every day count. He changed his diet temporarily and added more exercises to his training regime when he wasn't cleaning the beach. Most of the exercises were simple endurance training while the others focused on developing his muscle, since apparently the strength of his muscles determine the strength of Carnage's tendrils (or so the symbiote says).

The changes began to show, in school Izuku had improved a lot physically. He got noticeably higher marks in his Phys Ed subject and everyone began to notice some slight gain in muscle in the greenette. It was tough for Izuku since he had to balance out training with studying, and that was not an easy task.

Izuku had also learned a lot about Carnage as well. First he learned about his transformation abilities. He learned how change into that demon looking form that he used in the sludge incident and also learned that Stmbiotes could bond into their host's clothing and even change the clothing entirely. Thanks to that Izuku lessened the laundry lid by a LOT.

Izuku also learned that in his Carnage Form (demon looking form - let's just call it the fullbody form) that he could transform his limbs into different weapons. He could make his hands turn from sharp crimson claws into scarlet axe blades. He could grow tendrils from his back that could make makeshift spears.

He also learned that when he uses Carnage to transform, it changes his body composition. In his fullbody form Izuku could be reduced to a cell and he could grow back and change back without any permanent or serious damage on his base form. The regenerative properties of Symbiotes are no joke.

Carnage also had a neat ability for times he finds himself in battle. Carnage can actually make a substance that he dubs 'The Carnage Toxin' that enters the bloodstream whenever he cuts someone. Even from the smallest cut.  

The effects of the toxin are quite dangerous as well. They make the infected suffer hallucinations and temporary schizophrenia. The effects wear off normally within an hour so it isn't too dangerous.

Soon 8 months had passed and Izuku had cleaned up the whole beach. Not a single piece of trash or rubbish could be seen.

He had quite the physical change. By that time he had quite the body now. A decent six pack and his arms and even legs looked great. Best part was (or at least for Izuku anyway) was that his physical changes are hidden really well by his clothing.

He still had two months to go but he had not much to do. Cleaning the beach was the main part of his training, and now that the beach was clean he doesn't know what to do.

After a brief period of thinking he decided to learn a few extra things. Mainly Drunk Boxing and basic parkour conditioning.

When learning how to use Carnage, Izuku figured out he Carnage fights best with erratic and unpredictable movement. Drunk Boxing would help a bit and the parkour training could help with Izuku's mobility.

He also learned to to swing in his Carnage form after basing it off of Kamui Woods's swinging technique.

He also learned he could use his transformation ability partially, figuring out how to apply it to select limbs and body parts instead of his entire body at once.

Soon the two months flew by and it was the week of the entrance exam.

Izuku had studied his hardest and he knew that his physical training would see him through. Now it was all up to the other people he'd be taking the test with that would determine his future.

He was walking towards UA. He was obviously nervous. It was a big challenge ahead of him.

"Out of the way nerd." Izuku heard a voice say.

He turned to see Katsumi walk past him. Katsumi has been acting a bit off ever since the sludge incident. She left Izuku alone and didn't even bother going near him which kinda weirded Izuku out a bit, not that he minded the lack of bullying.

Izuku kept walking until he stopped at UA's giant gates. Izuku gazed at the campus before taking his first step into UA High.

And he tripped.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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