Chapter 2

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John's eyes were large as he stepped down from the hackney, looking around the square that he would call home for the next three months. Elegant townhouses faced towards the park in the middle, a well-groomed space with many trees, flower banks and lush grass. Not a weed or piece of trash in sight.

Sherlock didn't pause to let John look around, but rushed up the front steps of the nearest townhouse and threw the door open. He looked back at John with a grin. "Come on now, don't doddle."

Climbing up the wide front stairs, John entered the foyer and immediately felt too filthy for such a fine place. He awkwardly wiped his shoes against the mat at the entrance, hoping to knock any mud off.

Shaking his head, Sherlock stepped forward to grab John's upper arm. "Don't worry about that. Once you are tidied up, we'll have a long chat over a good meal." He pushed John to the stairs, urging him upwards.

There was someone coming down the steps who paused. John glanced quickly, and then did a literal double-take.

"That is my manservant Donovan. He'll help you with your bath and get you some clean clothes." Sherlock remarked dismissively before walking into the drawing room.

He??? John looked closer and there was no denying that it was a woman dressed in men's clothes; a waistcoat and trousers in a light grey tweed. Her dark hair was short and styled in a masculine fashion.

Donovan caught John's glance and gave a knowing nod. "Please, come this way, sir." She led him into a bathroom unlike any John had seen before. The floor was covered with slate, and a wooden tub rested a few inches from the floor, sitting on a platform.

There were some metal pipes and spigots attached to the wall, and Donovan fussed around with them. A few seconds later, water was emptying into the tub.

John was distracted from his examination of Donovan by this occurrence. He stared at the steaming hot water gushing out of the pipe in wonder.

Chuckling, Donovan added some bubble bath to the water, and a fantastic fragrance filled the steamy room. "Have you never seen plumbing like this before?"

Shaking his head, John gazed back at her dark, intelligent eyes. "Is this something common now in wealthy houses?"

She put some towels on a nearby stool. "No, sir. Mr. Holmes has made some modifications to his residence that are quite peculiar but effective. You will have to ask him how it all works." She took a step towards John. "Now, let's get you undressed and into the water."

Stepping back rapidly, John bumped against the wall. "But you are a ..." He waved downwards at her body.

Smirking slightly, Donovan stepped closer, raising her hands to John's collar and unbuttoning it deftly. "That may be, but I've been Mr. Holmes' manservant for many years now. I've helped him dressing and bathing too many times to count. I doubt I'll see anything new."

Sighing, John let her undo the rest of the shirt buttons. "He doesn't realize what you are, does he?"

Pulling off the dirty garment, Donovan chuckled again. "No, sir. And I'd be obliged to you if you didn't discuss it with him. I need this position."

Nodding, John left the topic alone as Donovan helped him out of the rest of his clothes. He had been in the army long enough to lose any modesty he may have once had. He tentatively stepped into the full tub, sighing as the hot water surrounded him.

"This is incredible." John moaned, feeling warmth down to his bones in a way he hadn't felt since returning to England. "Can I just stay here forever?" He closed his eyes in pleasure.

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