Chapter 7

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Emily's POV

"Morning everyone." The teacher walks in and immediately starts talking. "Today we'll be starting the next task, time prioritising. We will be doing this task again in a few weeks when your marriage priorities change, but for now you will be trying to find time to spend together around work and any extra activities you would like to add. Please don't tell me you don't do any extra activities as I won't accept that. I'm looking at you, Sam." The class laughs at Sam's expense and the teacher starts writing the task up on the board.

I anxiously look at the empty seat to my left. Ashton should have been here by now, I wonder where he is. At the thought of him, butterflies erupt in my stomach. I don't know what I'm getting so worked up about. I mean, he wrote me a song, he didn't profess his love for me from the rooftops. I'm being silly. I should just forget about it. I mean, he knows we have this class together and he couldn't even care to come. That tells me a whole lot about his feelings for me.

I pull out my books and start writing out my priorities list. I know what would be on Ashton's list.

1. drums

2. band

3. music

4. wife

I grip my pen tight at the thought of it and start writing out a long list of priorities for myself so I'll have less time for him. Yeah, that will teach him to leave me in this class alone. I'm acting crazy. He's not my real husband, he's not even my boyfriend. I need to calm right down.

"Good morning Mr Irwin, nice of you to join us." I look up at the sound of the teacher's voice and my eyes lock with Ashton's. My heart starts racing. Who am I kidding? I have a crush on him and I'm hoping for more. He hands the teacher a note and walks towards his seat next to me. I look at my workbook and try to hide my feelings inside.

"So you are coming to class today." I say when he sits and I glance at him out of the corner of my eye. I see him raise one eyebrow and give me a lopsided grin.

"Yeah, I got held up at home." He answers cooly. "What are we working on?" He asks and I get the courage to properly look at him.

"Marriage priorities." A smile plays at my lips at the irony of the situation. He nods for a second before looking over at me, as if considering his next words.

"Work during the day and every night and weekend just for you." He says without a second thought and my eyes must have gone wide because he cracks a grin that seems sweet, but has an alterer motive underlying.

"You're serious? That doesn't sound like you." I eye him suspiciously. He leans in and I fight the urge to lean away.

"Why do you want more time in the bedroom?" He says quietly so no one else can hear. My whole face goes red and he lets out a little chuckle as he leans back in his chair.


We walk out of class together, Ashton talking about something I haven't the slightest idea about and I suddenly become hyperaware of all the eyes looking our way. Specifically, female eyes, and they're all looking at Ashton. I need to stop acting so crazy, we're not together.

"Hi Ashton." A petite blonde walks up to Ashton and places her hand on his arm. "We're going out tomorrow night and wanted you to come with." She giggles like something funny was said and I narrow my eyes.

"Thanks for the invite Jade, but I have a lot of work to do tomorrow." She pouts and grips his arm tighter like a child.

"But Ash, it won't be any fun without you." She tries to give him puppy eyes but she just ends up looking bug-eyed. I smile at the thought of Ashton choosing studying with me over going out with a group of girls.

"Yeah I guess it's only a couple of hours." He says and my smile falls. He's choosing her over me. My gaze shifts to Ashton and I give him the angriest look I could muster up. Jade starts giggling again at nothing and I decide to make my leave. I'm helping him out of the goodness of my heart and he's just going to ditch me. He can't afford to waste any time and he's so ungrateful for doing this to me.

He calls after me as I storm to Luke's car and I ignore him. I think I really need to use one of my "favours" from him to get back at him. But what could I ask for? It has to be something good.

"You look cranky." Luke says as I approach him and the boys. Michael and Calum stop talking and watch me storm over to them.

"Can we just go please?" I ask, not wanting to hang around for Ashton to show up. I'm so glad they're all not 'hanging out' this afternoon or there would be no escape from him.

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