Lucky Lucy!

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Lucky Lucy!

"Look sharp, Lucy!" Erza shouted from behind her and the blonde took a huge leap into the air, sneering down at the enemy.

"Okay, here we go!"


-Five months ago-

Natsu Dragneel laughed snarkily as he carried an annoyed Lucy in his arms, refusing to put her down as they entered the guild. The young woman sighed in relief when she was finally put down, breathing in and out before giving her friend the good smack that he deserved. She turned her head to the side and humphed out of frustration.

She had injured herself on the job and Natsu had insisted that he carry her all the way home when she was perfectly fine. Her ankle did hurt a bit from the scratch she'd gotten from a beast they had been fighting but that was it. It wasn't like her life was in danger or anything. Besides, she could handle herself.

"Geez, you didn't need to get so mad at me. I was just trying to help you." The pink-haired boy said.

"Well, ya didn't!" She shouted, "Hey, do you mind if I head home? That job kinda exhausted me, and I'd really like to take a bath."

"Oh, sure, no problem. We'll meet up here tomorrow then, alright?" He said, earning a thumbs up from the female mage. She gave him a high five then walked out of the guild hall. After making sure that she was alone, the blonde let out a small groan of pain and hunched her back, shuffling the rest of the way home.

Lucy tried to hide her pain as she climbed up the staircase. Her ankle still hurt from the wound and the pain only seemed to grow. Still, she somehow managed to convince herself that it was nothing to worry about and her wound would surely heal soon enough.

Slipping her socks off, she gasped when she saw a strange blue color on a good part of her right ankle. She winced at the pain, which seemed to intensify the longer she stared at it. Deciding against the bath, she wrapped it up in gauze and headed to bed.

It's nothing, she thought, I'll be fine.

Lucy had a restless sleep that night, her ankle burning hotter than Natsu's fire. When she finally managed to rest peacefully though, it was time to get up.

Angry from her lack of sleep, she stomp-limped into her bathroom to change. She removed her bandages, trying to hold back a scream when she saw that the color had spread higher.

"This isn't good." She winced, tying around some fresh bandages. She made sure she had all her keys before finally walking over to the guild hall, where her friends were waiting. She waved a cheerful hello, doing her best to mask the pain that she was going through right now.

Natsu could tell, though. He kept a careful eye on his friend as she walked ahead of him, getting tireder by the second.

"Hey Lucy?" The dragon slayer said, earning her attention, "You doing okay?"

"Yeah!" She chuckled, "I'm fine."

"Really? Because you look kinda tired to me."

"Oh, no worries. I'm fine."

He grabbed her out of the blue and placed her on his back, carrying her for the rest of the way. Her eyes closed shortly and she fell asleep calmly on his back, snoring lightly. He couldn't help but notice her whimpering and cries of pain. Natsu turned to face the others, who had their eyes on the hurting blonde.

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