Open, Gate of the Defender!

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Lucy's vision was slightly blurry when she awoke. All she could make out was someone with pink colored hair looming over her, "Princess! You're awake, thank goodness."

"Virgo?" The blonde asked, "Is that you? Where am I? Where are my friends?"

"Big brother has requested me to bring you to our realm. Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, but I'm still a little sore. Why'd Loke ask you to bring me here?"

"Your life was in danger and this was the only way we could think of to protect you." The maiden said, "I shall explain everything further once you are feeling well."

As soon as she said that, the blonde's vision began to return. Looking around, she realized that all her friends were gathered around her, "What's going on?" Her eyes widened further when she saw the King looming over her, "Your Majesty!" She said, jolting upward and attempting a polite bow, only to fall back down.

"Do not try to push yourself too hard, my old friend." He ordered, "You're still recovering from the poison."

"Recovering? Wait, I'm not gonna die?" She said, smiling happily.

"Thankfully, no. Your spirits have saved your life, but unfortunately their contracts were broken when they chose to do so."

"What do you mean? I'm not going to see my friends anymore?" The blonde shouted through tears, "How could that kind of thing be allowed? I wasn't told any of this, Your Majesty! Pl- Please let me be their wizard. I couldn't live without having them by my side."

"You mustn't worry, Princess." Virgo reassured, "For we are not going anywhere. We will be with you every day, keeping you safe, as you will keep your friends safe."

"Of course, but I still don't understand what is going on."

The maiden nodded, "In our haste to save you, we had no choice but to bring you here. It was the only place that truly allowed you to heal, though some conditions came with it." She sighed, "These conditions, according to Big Brother and His Majesty are unbreakable. You are one of us now, Lucy."

The blonde looked at her friends then to the Celestial King, still having no clue what in the freaking world was going on.

The King pointed down at her outfit, and she saw a symbol on the left side of her shirt, a blue Victorian style letter 'F'.

"I'm a... Celestial spirit?" She said, shocked, "What about you guys, though? Who are you contracted with? Hopefully nobody bad. Ugh, my brain hurts."

A familiar voice echoed in her head, "Open, gate of the Defender! Lucy!" Suddenly, her entire body began to glow, and she disappeared into a beam of gold light, only to land in a large grassy hilltop in front of a giant monster.

"Wow! I really did it!" A voice squealed behind her, "I summoned Lucy!"

The teenager looked behind herself and smiled when she saw Wendy, so she was the one who had her key.

"Good job, kid!" Natsu shouted from a few miles away.

"Now, go get 'em!" The blue-haired girl ordered and pointed just ahead. Although her strength hadn't fully recovered, Lucy nodded and stood her ground. When it was close enough, she took her Fleuve d'étoiles- her Celestial whip out of its holster and pounced, riding on its' back as she wrapped her weapon around its neck, guiding it in a different direction. Once it had been knocked to its side, she pressed her hands together as if she was in prayer, and opened her eyes, "Stars of Shining!" Lucy shouted, blasting a storm of powerful blinding white stars down on it, eventually molding together to create a beam of white light. She held her whip at the ready, "Natsu! Now!"

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