Close call

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The next morning

The bright sunrays shon through the window directly infront of the bed the two shared, waking them from their deep slumber

Lance looked down at Keith who was gleeming up at him.  They were lost in each others eyes when a sudden knock came at Keiths wooden door, and a familiar voice called out. It was pidge, the quiet, adorable voice, of pidge.
"Hey... uh, Keith?" She said loud enough for him to hear
"Uh- have you seen Lance? He wont respond and his doors locked?"
Keith looked up at Lance who held a clever expression on his face 
"Hunk wanted me to come get you, foods ready"
Pidge began to turn the metal door handle as Lance sprung up and tiptoe-ran to the nearby bathroom, re visiting the memories from the night before.
Keith quickly spoke
"Wait Pidge! Dont im uh, im naked! Yeh im naked so stay there i wont be a sec!"
Keith stood up and fast, but was quickly knocked back down to the floor with a crash, and a painful  shock  ran through his hips and back, dreadfully remembering his previous activities.

Pidge was quick to question the noise
"Ummmm-" she paused  "e-everything good Keith?"
Keith scrambled up holding onto his desk for support, also noticing Lance's shorts sitting there.
He snatched them up and threw them under the bed.
"Yeh i just- fell."
He struggled his way over and opened the door, suspiciously leaning on it with an anxious look on his face. Pidge swam her eyes around the room, curiously, like she was expecting to see something that wasnt there.
"I'll be out soon, Lance probably slept in, ill wake him up somehow, just give me some time and tell Hunk to Keep the food in the oven. Thanks" he ended the sentence abruptly before shutting the door and quietly sitting on the floor from the pain.

Lance exited the bathroom with a snarky look, grinning in his batman boxers.
"Close call" he whispered underneath his breath before walking over to Keith to help him up.
"You should miss practice today, you dont seem too, stable" he said chuckling.

And there outside keiths door stood Pidge, with a snarky grin on her face. 'I wonder who decided to strangle keith so hard that it left marks all over his neck' she said with a nose laugh as she walked away.

But Keith was oblivious as Lance looked over at him laughing, pointing to his neck as Keith quickly realised Pidge saw and began to dance around the room in a crippled-limping-panicked fashion as Lance began to get lightheaded from laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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