Third Person POV

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When Charlotte heard that Jack had asked Penny out on a date, she was absolutely ecstatic. The date was set for two days after they shared a kiss, which was tonight. Kylie had come back over and all the girls helped Penny get ready for her date. Charlotte knew where they were going, Jack had told her in advanced, so it was easy to pick an outfit. By the time the girls were done, Penny looked stunning. She wore a cropped, white shirt that was synched in the front and paired it with a simple blue jean skirt. They gave her a pair of white and tan sandals and simple diamond earrings. They left her hair down and straight. She got a simple white purse and just mascara for makeup before she was sent on her way. She and Jack left, Charlotte happy for her friend. Once they leave, everyone finds something to do, leaving Charlotte and Zach in the living room. "Wanna go on an adventure?" Zach asks, Charlotte's face brightens and she nods eagerly. "Go get changed and we'll leave." He says. They both disappear into their bedrooms, changing out of their comfy clothes. Charlotte pulls on black ripped jeans, a royal blue, cropped tank top, and her royal blue, high top converse. She leaves her hair down, pulling a scrunchie on her wrist. She grabs her phone and purse before going downstairs. She meets Zach at the front door and together, the slip outside and away from everyone else.

The first stop on their adventure was Red Robin, the same one they went to the first time they met. They sat in a different booth but it still felt like it was that day all over again. The only difference now was that the two were dating. They order their food, leaving them alone to talk a bit. "I keep getting this feeling of deja vú." Zach says, playing with his straw wrapper. "Me too. It's weird thinking not all that long ago, we were sitting here just becoming friends. Now we're dating and we're best friends." Charlotte says. Zach smiles. "It is weird to think of how far we've come." He says, tossing his straw wrapper at her. She scrunches up her nose, causing him to laugh. They eat their food, happily talking and laughing. Much to Charlotte's dismay, Zach pays for their meal. "One of these days, I'm gonna pay for our date." Charlotte says, swinging their intertwined hands. "So we're on a date now?" Zach asks, a smirk on his face. Charlotte stops swinging their hands, color slowly draining from her face. She starts sputtering, no words coming out. "I'm joking. But if you want to call this our first date, I'm gonna have to step up my game." Zach says. Charlotte shakes her head. "No, this doesn't have to be a date." She says. "Good. Because when we go on our first date, I want it to be better than this." Zach says. Charlotte grins. She can only picture what their first date will be like. She excuses herself to the bathroom and Zach smiles. Charlotte finds a small line in the bathroom so she texts Zach, saying she might take a couple more minutes than planned. He replies, saying it's okay and that he'll be window shopping. He immediately walks into Pandora, shopping for something perfect. He makes a purchase, leaving and heading into another store. He finishes up in there quickly and leaves before Charlotte suspects anything.

They leave the mall and head towards the next destination, which happens to be DisneyLand. Zach pays again, despite Charlotte's pleas. He drags her into the park, an automatic smile on her face. They each buy a pair of Mickey ears before heading off to the first ride. Between many rides and multiple stops for Disney exclusive treats, the day is full of fun. The pair meet many Disney characters and some fans, taking multiple pictures throughout the day. By the time the park closes, Charlotte is the happiest she's ever been. Mickey ears are perched on her head and pins jingle in her purse. Instead of walking tiredly to their car, Charlotte and Zach are singing How Far I'll Go and dancing around. People that pass them, smile at the young couple, laughing at their antics. They finish the song when they get to the car, smiles and laughs taking over their bodies. They climb into the car, more Disney songs emerging from the speakers. Instead of going home right away, they stop at McDonalds and get food. They go through the drive thru and order copious amounts of food, heading to the beach to eat. They sit in the car, eating and laughing with nothing but the moon and the stars joining them. Zach remembers the purchase he made earlier and decides to give Charlotte one last surprise. "While you were in the bathroom earlier, I got you something." He says. Charlotte groans. "Today was more than enough Zach. You didn't have to get me anything." Charlotte whines.

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