James Bond and Ice Cream

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Episode 8: James Bond and Ice cream

Marci POV (A/N: Baby cakes!)

So apparently I have entered Twilight without the whole sparkly vampires. Thankfully I have always been Team Jacob so werewolves are totally okay. After seeing both Aaiden's and Dami's wolves, I wanna see Roma's too. I wanna know if his wolf looks exactly like Dami's or if it's different.

Maybe I'll find out after lunch. We're supposed to eat with the pack so that I can meet everyone officially.

*1 hour later*

I finally gathered enough courage to go downstairs and face the group of people I'd be leading. I honestly felt so out of place here but it was better than being at home. Aaiden was behind me and the Twins opted to stay upstairs. I kinda wanted them here with me but I understood their fear. The last pack they interacted with threw them out and shunned them.

Luckily I didn't have to eat with them right away. Apparently Aaiden told them to gather outside the house and wait for us to come out. I squared my shoulders and took a deep breath. Its one thing to meet three werewolves much less a whole pack of them.

But here goes nothing.


Roman POV (A/N:Precious Bean!😊)

I waited nervously as Marcie met the rest of the pack. Again. She told us the story of how she first met them and it was pretty blurry for her. Damien sat next to me twiddling his fingers. The mate bond demanded we always protect and be near our mates. This was kinda hard but the idea of being rejected again kept us here.

I moved closer to the window hoping to hear what was being said. I took eavesdropping to whole new level. I was a ninja and there was no catching me.

Damien scooted behind me and we listened as Aaiden introduced Marcie to everyone. She was met with overall joy and politeness. The pack visibly included her within it. There was no doubt that she was meant to be here.

Marcie greeted everyone equally and politely. She was obviously getting uncomfortable with so many people but held it in for the time being. Aaiden glanced at her a couple times before dismissing everyone and sending them home with a promise to get together again. Damien and I relaxed as we saw them come back to the house. We waited for them upstairs and when Marcie ran in we cuddled around her.

She fought us for a bit before getting comfortable and settling in for a nap. Aaiden stared at us before he said he had some pack work to do.

We watched him leave and turned to each other. We had at least one of our mates between us and were satisfied. With this I closed my eyes and joined Marcie in dreamland.

Damien POV(A/N: Hunbun!)

I waited for Roman to sleep before I slipped out of the cuddle pile. Marcie scooted closer to Roman for warmth and I felt a shiver in my heart. I knew that this was our destiny. We were to experience what we did so that when we finally had happiness, we wouldn't take it for granted.

Earlier I heard Roman's thoughts as he watched Marcie and I interact. We were bonded both as brothers and through the four way mate bond. I heard his doubts and his trepidation as the future was uncertain.

I followed Aaiden's scent through the house to his office. If Roman had doubts, I needed to know what exactly we were becoming apart of. I knocked and waited for his "come in" before I walked in. I closed the door and locked it to wave off any intruders or eavesdroppers.

He watched as I did this and something told me he had different thoughts than I did. His eyes darkened and the air thickened. I sat in the seat in front of his desk. When I spoke, his eyes darkened with an entirely new emotion.

"Do you have any known enemies and have you been keeping tabs on them?"

"Why are you suddenly worried about my enemies?" He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. This defensive stance I knew well and eased back on my aggressive inquiry. He was closing himself off to me and and if I wasn't careful he would continued to brush me off and evade the questions until I gave up. But I was stubborn and creative.

"I only ask so that I know who to look out for. I never want to be caught off guard."

His eyes became half-lidded before he nodded. I took that as a sign of acceptance and scooted closer to the desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a very thick file. I kept my face neutral but on the inside I was wary of what was in it. Maybe I was asking for more than I planned.


(A/N: Thank you all so much. I'm sorry. This wasn't how I planned on updating but at least I have. Please enjoy and if you don't mind. Send some inspiration for my Oneshots for Thought book. Below are ways you can reach me.

Email: mirikelbooklov@gmail.com
Snap: robynwhite9301
Instagram: _mochi_mi

Or just pm me on here.

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