I'm coming out. I just gotta let you know

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Episode 11: I'm coming out. I just gotta let you know.

Aaiden POV

My Beta walked beside me mumbling to himself and out of curiosity, I tuned in:

"What if he doesn't like me? Maybe he already has someone else. Would I be too rough on him? Shit does he even want me?"

I chuckled to myself before stopping before him. He didn't even notice that I did and would have ran into me if I hadn't have said anything.



"Go to him. He is your mate. You were made for him. and he for you. There should be no question of whether or not he wants you."


"He's right, you know. I was made for you and you for me." Haven stepped from the treeline. He blushed as he said this and I could only laugh at Kaiden's starstruck face.

"I want you as my mate Beta Kaiden."

His words were like a rubber band that snapped something in my Beta. Kaid ran to him and swooped him up in his arms. I turned my back to give them privacy.

"See you later Alpha Aaiden."

I only heard Haven's giggles as he was carried away. I could only shake my head and chuckle. Speaking of mates. Where are mine?


Marcie and Roman hid in the armoire as Damien humored them in their game of hide and seek. He could have easily found them already if Roman hadn't used some of the scent masker. When he passed by the door leading to the Master bedroom, a thump stopped him. He quieted his steps and peeked inside the room.

At first he saw nothing. Then as he stepped inside he noticed the disarray. His first instinct was to mindlink Aaiden but he remembered that they hadn't established a connection yet. Instead he linked with Roman to check on Marcie and went in search of Aaiden himself.  The room looked like it had been searched through. I couldn't tell if anything had been taken but the idea that someone had been in there was enough for me to worry.

On the outside he was calm and cool but on the inside he was scared. If someone found out about them before they were ready, they might notify the Council. If the Council is notified then that could mean trouble for Aaiden. Considering the misshap at the school and the fact that Marcie is missing in the human world, shit would hit the fan in no time. Not only that but the last known record or multiple mates a was centuries ago and it is said that the union of four will lead to war. Could it be them? Even if it wasn't the Council wouldn't take any chances and would separate them just to be safe.

Mate bonds can be broken. It would be grueling and tedious work, but it can be done. The question is would they survive it? Would they be able to live without each other?(A/N: I hate myself for creating such doubts and drama for no reason.)

Damien left Marcie to Roman and found Aaiden in the office. Today was not the day for drama.

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