Roman's Candle

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Episode 7: Roman's Candle

*Picture of Demi up above

Roman POV

Well today has been a rollercoaster I never want to get back on. The onslaught of emotions from finding our mate and feeling aroused without taking care of it and then waking up with her in our arms and having to explain who/what we are was rough. I never want to have to explain werewolf genealogy again nor do I want to have to suffer through an arousal while doing it. Marcie's right hook and fiery display of aggression was such a turn on. She of course didn't need to know I thought that while she was still mad though. I did not want to be on the receiving end of a knee or fist like Aaiden. He was in the doghouse. Pun fully intended.

Luckily Marcie was not as mad at me like she was with him. I whispered how Aaiden looked like he ate 3 lemons and a raw onion. She giggled and I was glad for the tension to fade. Damion came closer and I could hear him tell Demi to get ready. I positioned myself behind Marcie in case she felt like running. Demi shifted and his dark fur rippled in awareness. Marcie lifted her hand to rub through the coarse fur. I was as nervous as she was when Demi purred against her cheek and she giggled.

She sounded so cute and it made me want to protect her more. When she leaned back and called Demi a pet I laughed along with Aaiden. She squealed as Damion returned naked and preened before her. He chuckled as she hid from him and I wanted to protect her even more. She seemed so innocent and it was endearing. I knew we would change that before long. She would be just as bad as we are by the time she settled in.

A mate. I never thought we would meet her or that she would be human. The luck we've been given is abundant but I'm wary of the future. Everything is going too well. Something bad is going to happen soon. I can feel it.

Fuck you doubt.

(A/N): I know I'm horrible. My schedule has been fucked up since the beginning. My wifi availability is blown to crap and I'm hiding from my aunt cause she wants to add chemicals to my hair that burn my scalp and make me feel like I'm losing brain cells. I can try to update while in class but these will be few and far between. I'm sorry for the inconvenience to everyone.

P.S. Love you guys.

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