Chapter 5

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It had been a total of five months since Gwen stepped foot into the castle and everything seemed to be at peace the queen was now a vampire and more beautiful than ever, it took her some time to get used to but eventually she began to love her new immortal life and she has been bestowed so amazing gifts she had ten gift of being able to control her thirst around humans so she knew before her father died she'd be able to see him again. Also the ability to control snow and shape it into whatever she need and finally the ability to create undying bonds between people whoever she met instantly liked her if she allowed them to, all she had to do was tap into her power and a bond would be formed whether that was a family bond or a loving bond however all the men and women that came into the castle for execution never got that from her, she also had apart of aros gift And Marcus' they assumed it was because of them being true mates.

In the few months the kings had know there mate they had, the once dark and dismal castle was now full of love, light and laughter. They were the ruthless kings and she the kind forgiving queen that made her mates listen before killing not all those that came through the doors where innocent but those she could tell were she gave a chance.

However nobody outside of Volterra knew of the new queen at least not yet.

The kings and the queen all sat in the throne room talking when I'm walked a woman and the queen reconside her from the day she slapped Aro
"Irina to what do we owe the pleasure" the queen asked
"I come bearing news the cullens have created an immortal child" this caused growls to go around the room and for the queen to jump up, she held her hand up silencing anyone and the kings just watch her.
"Surely Carlisle wouldn't allow any of his family to turn a child"
"My dear you know Carlisle" caius asked
"He helped me a lot although he was the only of his family that I knew" she said and he nodded
"Aro darling can you look" she asked and he walked over, it was taking her some time to master his power.

A few minutes later he looked At his mate sadly
"It's true"
She sighed
"Chelsea will escort you to a room be ready to
Leave whenever" the queen Said and for yo discussing what they had to do

Meanwhile in forks
Bella swan sat holding her phone wanting to call her sister, she was now a vampire and would only have a handful of years with her, she was now married and had a child and Bella wanted her sister in her child's life no matter what but her thoughts were cut off by the smashing of glass she looked up to alice
"What did you see" Bella asked
"The volturi there coming for us, Aro, caius Marcus, the entire guard and the new queen"

And so she abondond the call and went travelling gathering witnesses to help fight for her family.

Gwen swan traveled around the world following her mates as they gathered witnesses to fight against Carlisle, she didn't know what to think Carlisle had always helped her and now she may have to kill him.

At the moment they were down an alley
"Please I am with Carlisle I turned him down" a man said
"A wise choice now join us" Aro said
The man shook his head and I stepped out of the shadows "Alec" I nodded and he used his powers to silence the man and blind him and we took him.

The army we had gathered in so little time was full with powerful people and we were only a few days away from forks a place I used to call home and now a place of have to kill a friend.

Back in the hotel room caius Marcus and Aro sat waiting for their mate to get out of the shower.
"She doesn't want to be apart of this, Carlisle is her friend" Marcus said
"And he was ours for a very long time but we cannot allow him to create An immortal child" caius said
"So what do we do" Aro asked
"We gather information, and in the end if it proves he did then we have no choice but to uphold our laws" Gwen said walking out of the bathroom in pyjamas, it still confused the kings that she wore them but she insisted she liked being comfy when with them
"You truly are amazing" all three said and spent the night holding there mate in their embrace scared of what could happen if they didn't win.

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