Chapter 2

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Dear Ricky,

I remember the day you went missing. Everything about it. It was the last time I saw you in your perfectly fit suit from your office job. You were a marketing manager for a big company. We had just come back from another fertility appointment. It was the 3rd doctor that told us we couldn't have kids. You were a wreck, possibly more than I was. You drove us home and held my hand the whole time. When we got home you ran to my side and opened the door for me. You grabbed my hand and we sat on the edge of the sidewalk. I instantly burst into tears and cried on your shoulder as you rubbed my back.
"It's okay Chlo, please don't cry" you said with tears in your eyes.
"No I can't give you what you want" I cried.
"But you've already given me everything I've ever wanted" you said.
"What I want is a family, but there's no family without you. We can adopt, we can get a surrogate, whatever it is we'll do it. I love you and that's not going to change."
"I love you too" I said sniffling and you kissed me like nothing was ever wrong.
Everything was perfect with you. You never failed to amaze me.
Then we went inside and changed into our PJ's. It was our weekly tacky movie night. We ordered pizza and cuddled up on the bed while making fun of all the people and scenes in the movie.
After the movie was over we brushed our teeth and got into the covers.
"goodnight I love you" you said as you kissed my cheek. Then you turned off the lights and cuddled up against me.
That was the last time you told me you loved me.
We both fell asleep.
All of a sudden I heard the sound of glass breaking. You got out of bed and slowly grabbed a bat.
"I'll go check it out, stay here and call the police" is what you told me.
I was terrified. I did what you asked and hid under the bed.
A couple of minutes went by and I hadn't hear back from you.
I heard steps come into the bedroom, I stayed quiet scared that it wasn't you.
After wandering around the room for a little, the person left.
Then I heard the police sirens, but I knew it was too late. You were gone. They came in and looked everywhere. All they found was your bat, covered in blood. I fell on the floor in a pool of tears. You were gone. And you could've been hurt.
Later the blood results came back. It was yours.
You were hurt, and gone.
I had no idea if you were okay, or if you were alive, or if I would ever see you again. I cried all night that day, wondering about you. The police searched the house for fingerprints and found some on the bat, but they were only yours. You were just protecting me. The girl that you've loved since high school. You would've done anything for me, and I loved you for that.

Love ,

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