Protect the baby spider!

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3rd POV

Natasha had always had a soft spot for Peter. Although she would kill anyone who would point that out to her, she knew it was true. I mean, who could not love the adorable child?

But sometimes she went a little overboard with her 'momma spider antics' according to Clint. So Peter had a very valid reason to be scared when the Avengers were coming to present at an assembly.

There was one good part about this, Tony was away. People may think that's the end of the world, but Peter was thanking Jesus? Bucky? Thor? Loki? He was thanking someone, he just decided on all four.

So Peter had a list of all of the reasons why he was scared:
1: He was like a nephew to all of the Avengers, which means embarrassment.
2: Flash was sure to bug him
3: If #2 happened, Flash might die
4: If #3 was attempted, he would need to give the whole 'no, you can't kill minors' speech.
5: Chances are, sensory overload would happen
6: #5 would cause more attention on him
7: #6 means easier to get spotted by the Avengers.
8: He would have to leave early, which means more attention tomorrow

So as you can see, not in Peter's favor. But Tony would have made that list a lot longer. Which is why Peter was kind of happy he was gone. Well not happy, just kind of glad. Even though he was sad they had to postpone their movie night.

Unfortunately, there was one more issue for Peter. Even though Tony was gone, Nat was still going to be there. Peter was scared. No, that was an understatement. He was less scared facing the Vulture.

On that note, he come to the conclusion that he needed to be stabbed to avoid all of this.

Unfortunately, Ned knew exactly what his friend was thinking about.

"No." Ned firmly stated to his friend.

"But whyyy?" Peter whined.

"Because, I kinda need you around, I can't be the only outcast here. And besides, you'll be fine." Peter protested at being called an outcast.

"But that's the thing, I won't be fine. The Avengers are basically my family! I call Tony dad sometimes and everyone else I call aunt and uncle! How am I supposed to explain that to everyone." Peter was using big hand motions to get his point across.

"Ouch, that sucks for you." Ned patted Peter's shoulder sympathetically. Peter just groaned and smacked his head on the table.

~<>~Time skip brought to you by tears from Endgame ~<>~

It was the day. The day that the Avengers were coming. The whole school was buzzing with excitement. Well everyone except Peter. Peter was scared.

"Penis Parker!" Peter cringed as the oh-so-familiar voice came up from behind him.

"What Flash?" Peter snapped, he was already done with his life, he didn't care how he acted.

"Don't get snappy with me, Parker. Anyway, as I was going to say, I can't wait to see all your lies get exposed. Imagine the look on the Avengers' faces when they learn that a worthless kid like you has spread lies about having an internship at Stark Industries!" Flash got closer and closer to Peter as he spoke. Peter has to try to not die from Flash's foul smelling breath.

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