Steve Radar

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3rd POV

Nobody knew how he did it. But somehow, whenever Steve was in trouble, Bucky always knew when and where. It was very nice for him because everyone knew that Steve definitely could not handle himself. I mean, a scrawny kid against a really tough man wouldn't turn out so well.

Even though that was obvious to most people, Steve couldn't care less. He would still fight a lot, just in random alleyways. But no matter how late, how random, or how far from the city, you could always count on Bucky to be there to protect Steve and prevent as much damage as possible. Even Steve himself didn't know how his best (boy)friend always knew where he was.

And before you get any ideas, no, Bucky did not have a tracker or camera on Steve at all times. He has something like a 6th sense. It wasn't a superpower like spider sense, but he just had a feeling when Steve was in danger. It made him happy to know that he would know if Steve was in trouble.

Bucky's POV

I was just walking around the street, going to buy more groceries, as I had forgot to earlier this week. On the way to the grocery store, I walked by a lot of creepy allies. As I walked by them, I glanced down them to see if I could see a certain skinny boy fighting someone 5 times his size. But luckily, he didn't.

But as he was walking home, with his arms full of groceries, he felt something. Not like someone watching him something, he knows what that feels like. While he was thinking, all of a sudden it hit him, Steve's in trouble! He dropped his groceries, hoping they would be there when he got back, and ran. Where to? He ran to where he felt like he should run. Past all of the alleyways, running by people, by animals, trying to get to Steve.

He finally got to the alleyway, and heard fighting. Not actual fighting, more like someone beating someone up. He ran down the alley and caught the guy's fist before he could lay another hand on his Steve.

"Pick on someone your own size." Bucky basically growled at the man.

"Okay." The man said, while throwing a punch towards Bucky.

Bucky flawlessly caught his fist and threw him backwards. The man figured out that Bucky was not someone to mess with.

As soon as he was gone, Bucky turned his attention to Steve. Poor Steve, down on the ground. But still looking like he wasn't about to give up anytime soon.

"I could've handled that." Steve tries to explain while getting up off the ground, with Bucky's help.

"Sure," He was helping him stand, "you tried though."

Bucky helped Steve walk out of the alleyway. Well Bucky was walking, Steve was limping. Bucky brought Steve to his house, as Bucky has all of the supplies for when Steve gets into fights.

As Bucky was stitching him up, Steve asked, "how do you always know when and where I get into fights?"

"I don't know," Bucky started, "I just have a weird tingly feeling and I know where to go for some reason."

Bucky was honestly glad to have this weird feeling, he didn't know what would happen to Steve if he didn't. Steve didn't care about his own well-being, he only cared about other people.

"Steve, you have to stop fighting everyone you see."


"No," Bucky cut him off, "you just can't. Do you have any idea how worried I get, whenever I see you on the ground, near passing out? It scares me to death. If I didn't know where you were, I don't know what might happen."

There was a silence, but a very small silence.

"I'm so sorry," Steve started, "I didn't know how you felt."

"It's okay." Bucky said and hugged him. "But don't do it again."

"I'll try not to."

666 words (oh my gosh it's me, the devil)

Sorry this took forever to post and it's small, but I've been so busy all week and couldn't get enough motivation. So hope you enjoy!

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