Chapter 8

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Liz's pov,

After I got done talking to Leigh and Ben trying to see who I was texting and after finding out asking if she was hot, I went to the couch to lay down and watch tv for a little while. When I went to go lay down on the couch I couldn't because Michael and Ben was sitting their already so I ask them to move over so I could sit down. They move over I ask Michael where my mom went I wanted to ask her about something he said that she went with Owen to the store to get stuff to make dinner with for tonight , but the should be back soon. I said ok and than they started asking me questions about what was it like living in Texas and what type of music I like and that type of stuff to try and get to know me better. I looked at Ben and finally realized he has a black eye I ask him so how did you get that. he asked me how did I get what? I pointed to his eye, and he said um I got in a fight with a door at school. Michael just started laughing and I just look at him even more confused so I jus drop the topic by saying ok. Ben finally got up and left to go to his friends house and Mikey said if I needed him that he was going to sleep and go work on some paperwork he had to get done with before he went back to work and he also told me just to call him by one his nicknames either Mike or Mikey, I said ok have fun with your paper work if you need me I will be watching Scooby- Doo. Mikey said chuckled and said ok have fun with that. While I was down stairs I kept on thinking about the fact that my mom was going to get remarried and the more I thought about it the more I thought about what happened with my biological dad and why he left me and Mom.
(Lizzy's flashback to when she was six)
So when I was six my mom and dad was arguing a lot. So eventually I one night I guess it got be to much and he left and after that I guess he got a divorce with Mom or something I don't what really happened after he left.
(Back to present time and time skip to where Ash and Owen gets back from the grocery store.)
Ash's pov.
So me and Owen just got back from the store and are unloading the stuff I went in the house to get Liz so she could help and told her to holler for Michael to get down here and help, but she said that he is having to do some paperwork, I just said ok leave him be than. When it was just me and Lizzy alone in the kitchen she asked me something I never thought she ask. Asked me if I knew what happened to her dad after he left when she was six I guess it was something she wanted closer on since I was getting remarried and Owen would be her step dad which you can't blame her for wanting to know what happened. I said after he left me and him talked for a few weeks over the phone and decided to get a divorce since neither one of us was happy she said ok and walked upstairs.
Lizzy's pov.
After I got done with that conversation with mom I feel kinda better but not that much. So I just decided to go upstairs and go see if Mikey is awake or done with his paperwork so we can talk for a little bit so far he is my favorite just because he was their when I first got their and meet him he looked A little intimidating, but when ever you talk to him or get to know him you will know that he is really nice. But anyways I go up to his room and knock he says come in so I enter the room and he says to me dang girly you look like hell, I say wow thanks because that's exactly what you say to a girl especially you little sister he said sorry what happened though because you do look like crap. I said I just got done talking to my mom about my biological dad Mikey said oh and didn't push it any further which I appreciated. I ask him so what are you doing be cause you look like a zombie that's only running on energy drinks he laughed and said paperwork I said still how much many papers do you have to fill out he  move away from the desk and said all of these. I say dang what the hell do you do for a living he said he was a cop I said oh and asked if he could pretend to arrest me and prank mom so she will freak out. He said no I'm not going to arrest you to prank Ash, and besides I'm off the clock I said dang it and whine your no funnnn and drag the n at the ending. He shakes his head and says I think I might have a new nickname for I asked what is it he says Taz and I said very funny.
Thank you for reading if you like the story or have any suggestions please let me know and leave a vote thank you bye love you guys.😘😜

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