Trish Una

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(What kind of relationship Passione wants {FINAL PART})

- Trish wants a happy relationship

- all Trish wants in her life is someone that makes her happy, she doesn't care what they look like or how they act she just wants them to make her happy

- when you two first get together she does tell you not to tell anyone about her because she doesn't want her father to find out about you

- she may seem embarrassed when you compliment her but she absolutely loves it

- it blows away all of her insecurites and assures her that you love her

- not only does she want you to make her happy, she wants to make you happy

- let's just say she feels like she doesn't do a good job at that

- one time you guys went on a date and she wanted to complement how you looked but didn't go as what she expected

- "you look really nice but you look like a loan shark"

- you laugh and come back with

- "aww thanks Trish, you look like a pop star"

- she made the cutest pouty face

- her and Narancia rival in the Pouty Face™

- you two don't argue but if Trish gets mad she does give you the silent treatment

- you just gotta give her space until she comes to you and apologizes, all is always forgiven

- she does have frequent nightmares about her father

- she is scared he is gonna find out about you and torture you and kill you

- sometimes she doesn't wake you up because she doesn't want you to worry about her but she wants to tell you so you could make her feel better

- when she wakes you up she would gently shake you and when you open your eyes you see her crying

- that face breaks your heart and you just want her to smile and be happy

- you hug her and ask her whats wrong

- she will explain everything and then cry into your chest

- you rub her back and assure her everything will be okay and that no one will take you away from her

- once she is done crying she kisses your cheek and thanks you for being with her and making her happy

- it is the purest relationship in the entire universe

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