Narancia Ghirga

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(Jealous! Narancia x Oblivious! Reader)

- instead of the whining and crying Narancia you get the overprotective Narancia

- and this Narancia will 98% punch anyone that even tries to flirt with you

- he knows how that you show no concern for anything and think nothing of the person speaking to you

- you just believe they were being nice to you

- "would you like to go somewhere with me" or "you look very beautiful". What harm would that do?

- but Narancia knows and oh boy he knows the true intentions of this man

- he does love you but he sometimes wishes that you weren't so oblivious

- and when you go out by yourself he gets really nervous thinking some rando will come after you and take you away

- sometimes when the nervousness is too much to bear, he will sometimes follow you or just have Aerosmith follow you

- Narancia confronts you about the guys a lot but he gets the same answer everytime

- "Narancia what are you talking about? They are just being nice."

- as much as he hates to admit it he tells you,

- "It's because I'm jealous okay?! I don't want to lose you to these random shitheads that think your good enough for them!"

- all you say was "oh."

- after that confession you felt bad because of how your obliviousness made Narancia feel

- but he constantly assures you that you are perfect and that he loves you...

- ...and that he'll stilk beat the shit out of those guys who have been flirting with you.

Hello everybody! I would like to thank TuziFrosch for requesting ^^. Also welcome to over 22k reads! This book has been amazing to write and is a real treasure for me. I love all of you guys so much and I hope I can continue to make you all happy. I'll see you all later 😄


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