Part 5

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I wasn't too thrilled of going to school this morning. When my alarm went off I turned it off with my fist. I decided to wear something simple. I slipped on a pair of black ripped jeans and a white tank top. My mom was still fast asleep. Huh. I guess people get tired from partying all night. I eat some cereal and get ready to walk to school. I leave the house and lock the door. I put my earphones in once I start to walk. I enjoy the lyrics of Pierce the veil. It takes me only ten minutes to get to school. After a couple of minutes I stop in my tracks I feel as if someone is following me. I turn and see no one other then Toby.

"Hey, Kitty Kat!" He waves at me.

"Stalk much?" I say.

"I was bored and had nothing better to do."

I roll my eyes and keep walking. He catches up to me. "Eww, I forget you have to go to school."

"Yeah, if I want to escape this hell then I need to graduate." I laugh then he laughs.

"Kat can I ask you something?" He stops and looks seriously at me. I nod then he asks away, "Why did you try to kill yourself Friday?"

"Well...I just was really upset and some girls were bullying me and my mom cruel the world was to me." A tear escapes one of my eye. I hope Toby didn't see that. He obviously did because he pulls me into a tight hug. "I'm fine." I lie.

"Kat you can't lie to me." He whispers.

I force a laugh, I guess I couldn't. Toby seemed to know me more than I knew myself and I only knew this guy for a couple of days. When I get to school I shoo Toby off and he leaves.


After my second hours, lunch finally arrives I'm so happy for that. I meet up with my group. I love my group they're so chill and accepting. One of my best friends is Manda. She's really bubbly and she's obsessed with K-pop and anime. Then there's Nancy who has a sassy attitude and a great sense of humor. Last but not least is Dan, he's gay but I love him, he's hilarious and so sweet. When I walk to my table group they all greet me. We started chatting about how are day was going so far. Manda was talking about her love life. I'm happy for her, but realize how much I want a boyfriend myself. Then trouble comes our way. Isabelle (a.k.a the mean girl from Friday) comes with her minions.

"Hey its the freak table." She smiles evilly. I roll my eyes at her.

"Yes, and these freaks want you gone. Now." Nancy snarls.

"How are your scars Kat?"

"Isabelle get lost." I say annoyingly. I try to keep my cool. Together. I'm not in the mood.

"I don't want to its fun, honey."

"Just leave you dumb slut." I stand up to face her.

"What did you just call me?"

"I think you heard me, honey" I snarl at her.

"Whatever!" She spats out. Then she leaves while her minions follow. My group praises me and I smile.

"Yeah, good job kitty Kat." A familiar voice says. I turn around and Toby is a couple feet away from me. I feel my eyes widen. My friends all ask 'who's that Kat?' I ignore them and go to Toby, he walks around the corner. I follow him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Just saying 'hi'!" He smiles.

"I can't take you seriously when you have those goggles on." He takes them off revealing his pretty brown eyes.

"So who was that bitch you just told off? Was she the girl from Friday?"

"Yeah." I saw Toby avert his gaze he looked mad. "Don't kill her!" I ordered.

He sighed and shook his head. "Fine..only for you." He smiles softly at me.

"Thank you."

"Oh, do me a favor and don't tell your friends who I really am."


"Bye, Kat."

He walks off then disappears. I walk back to my table. They all look really confused.

"That was just a friend, he doesn't go here." I explain.

"Oh." They all say in unison. I laugh with my hand on my mouth. They are so cute. I don't have a problem telling a little white lie. I only have two my periods then I'm free. I sigh relief to myself.


After school, I walk home alone. When I get home my mom is still in her room. I peak through her door and its quiet as a mouse well despite her snoring. I make myself a quick snack then lay on the couch. I'm exhausted. I groan because I know that I have more school. I get up because I know I have English homework to do. I take out the computer and start to write my essay. Its extremely boring and takes me twenty minutes to write it. I'm doing the book: life of pi. I finished the first five chapters and we have to write an essay about it. Its really stupid. As if seven hours of school isn't good enough they have to make me do school at home.

"Finally." I sigh then shut my computer. My mom was still asleep. God she's so irresponsible she should be cooking dinner. She should be up not sleeping in till 3pm. I put everything in my bag. Then I went upstairs.

I went into my bathroom. I looked at my blade for a moment. I put the blade in the drawer. I turn my TV on and watch awkward. Awkward was so funny. My window opened and I think I know who's coming through the window. Toby climbed in through my window. I was sitting on my bed holding my pillow.

"Hey!" He said.

"Uh, hi." I waved awkwardly. He sat by me on my bed. "What are you doing here?"

"Seeing my best buddy." He smiled. Toby is a strange one I'll tell you that.

"We're buddies?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Sure, why not?"

I turn my attention to Awkward. Good thing Jenna and Maddie aren't hooking up this would be really awkward. Toby watches the show with me. I'm on the part where Jenna is getting dissed by Maddie about her small boobs. Its mean, poor Jenna. I don't know what I would do.

"I wonder how small they are?" Toby asks.

"I don't know, and I don't care how small they are."

"They must be pretty small then." He says.

"Why are we talking about the size of Jenna's boobs?" I ask through a small laugh.

"I'm a boy, I get curious." He chuckles.

"Curiosity killed the cat you know?" I said. That was kind of the first thing he said to me. I'm not too sure. I try to forget how bad that day was.

"Funny." He snickered. I laugh at how annoyed he seemed. "Kitty Kat I'm tired."

"Thanks for sharing."

"I'll sleep in your bed again." He said mischievously. I rolled my eyes, but I didn't tell him off. My friends are right I am way too nice.

I love Toby he so cute!!! Comment or something lol.

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