Part 48

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I loooove this story!!! Okay I just had to put it out there.

Kat's P.O.V

I was supposed to meet Manda at The boba tea shop. The boba there is the best I just can't get enough of it. When I get there I don't see her there. Maybe she's a little late, well that's fine. I take a seat at a small table that seats only two. Its cold in this store, damn I should've brought a jacket.

After a couple minutes of waiting I see Manda come through the door. Her brown hair was curled and almost at her waist. Her hair is getting so long! She had a pair of black shorts on and a plain black T-shirt. I waved over to her and a smile appeared on her face.

"Hi hi!" She smiles then I get up to hug her.

"Hey, hey!"

"So what's up?" She smiles at me. Ooh I forgot we need to get our drinks! I need my boba tea!

"Two things first we need to get tea!" I laugh, she nods then we both go over to order our drinks. There was a cute guy behind the counter asking us what we wanted to order, but I paid no attention to him like usual. Manda got honey boba tea, and I got watermelon tea! We get our drinks then sit back down to our usual spot.

"The second thing is...about the wedding." I say. Its so odd saying wedding. I didn't think I would be getting married so young, but at the same time I really do love Toby.

"Ooh the wedding yeah!" She giggles.

"So like...where is it gonna be?"

"Well not your house 'cause your mom. Maybe the forest." She suggests then I imagine a cute forest wedding. It sounds too much like Edward and Bella's wedding, but I really did like there wedding it was beautiful.

"Sounds nice." I smile. She nods and flashes a bright smile.

"Okay and food! Hehe, burritos!" Manda says I shake my head.

"Burritos? Really manda?" She shrugs and I shake my head trying to suppress my smile.

"Okay fine, let's make it simple since its gonna be a small wedding." She announces. I nod in patience. She spills a few ideas about the food and the rest of the wedding. Don't we need a certificate to get married legally? Probably and if we are getting married I want it to be as real as possible.

"This is a lot to handle." I sigh. Am I making the right choice? I think so?

You never know you guys might not even work out...

Or you will...

The voices start to echo through my head. I try to ignore them and pay attention to manda. I take sips of my boba tea. Its really good!

"So maybe we can..." Manda starts to talk until I realize that I'm drowning her voice out with my thoughts.

What if I'm making a big mistake?

What if he doesn't love me anymore?

What if I get hurt again?

What if...everything turns into dust?

"Kat!" Manda taps on my hands. I jump a little. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, sorry I was just... Being spacey." I apogize.

"Kat, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I was just being spacey." I quickly cover up. She just nods then starts to talk about the wedding again.


When I get home there's not a single soul to be found. No ones home. My mom is supposed to be back in two days. Toby is probably working or whatever he does when he works he still won't tell me. Ugh, I need my earphones! I go up to my room then search around for them. Ah, yes I finally spot them and grab em. I take my phone out and plug them in. I wonder what I should listen to. I scroll through the list of different artists. Asking Alexandria, bring me the horizon, black veil brides, there's a lot of bands. I finally pick bulls in the Bronx by pierce the veil. I love pierce the veil. I love all my bands they were always there for me when no one else was. Caraphenilia.

I decide to go on the back porch. Then start the song. The song starts and I just stare at the forest. I start to think.

Am I making the right choice?

Maybe? Let's go back in time...

I start to think about the first day I met Toby. I was going to kill myself because I let those girls get to me and I was really upset and I thought suicide was the only answer. He basically made me stop. Then my mom pounded on my door cursing at me. I was so scared. Then Toby took me with him. I wasn't too pleased about that but deep down I was really happy that he saved me.

After the song I changed it to savior by bvb.

When me and Toby went to that party. Then those guys...Toby almost killed them but I stopped him. Then he kissed me, and it made me feel so...I can't even explain it. I felt like my heart had stopped but at the same time it had begun to beat at an unhealthy beat.

That was when I fell in love with him. I felt tears well up in my eyes, I don't bother stopping them, no one was home.

There you have it...

The voice in my head was helping me for a change instead of critising me. I'm happy but at the same time sad. Sad because I was actually doubting him...what is wrong with me? I cover my face with my hands.

"Kat?" I hear Toby's voice, and I look up with tears still in my eyes. He quickly sits down with me and pulls me close to him. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He cradles me in his arms like a child. I feel safe and secure...he's my savior.

"I.. I..." I can't say anything I just keep crying. I need to let the tears escape for now. He doesn't ask me again he just holds me tighter. I bury my face into my chest. I don't want him to see me like this. He looks at my phone and sees the song playing.

"Kitty Kat, savior is such a sad song." He whispers, and I let out a small laugh.

"I know..."

"Why are you listening to it then?"

"Cause it reminds me"

"That makes me happy, but a little sad." He says quietly.


"Because I don't want you to cry." He smiles kindly at me. My tears start to dry.

"Toby, Why do you want to marry me?" I ask out of the blue. Why would he want to marry me? I'm an emotional wreck. Boys don't like girls with scars...

"Kat, I love you and I don't want to live without you...ever." His cheeks turn red.

"I'm an emotional wreck, I used to cut to make myself feel better, I tried to kill myself, and I have major problems with family, why do you even like me?" I ask. I truly don't get it.

"So what? I love you for you, not what you do or your past." He smiles at me, then takes my wrist and he turns it around, showing my scars. "Don't ever cut again, or hurt yourself."

"When did you notice them?"

"The first day when you came to my house the cuts were fresh and I didn't say anything because I thought you would yell at me for it."

I don't say anything. I didn't even think he knew about them. He never said anything. Soon Toby breaks the silence with the interruption of his words.

"Don't ever cut again. Okay?" He says. I nod. "Say it."

"I will never cut again." I sigh.

"Good. Or try to kill yourself don't do that either!"

"Okay I won't." I say. He smiles then kisses me. I smile.

Auughhh this chapter gave me the feels I didnt know it would that much. I hope you guys liked it, comment if you did I love to hear from u guys!!! :p

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