Part 62

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"Are you done yet?" I ask impatiently while pressing my ear against the door. I hear the door handle jiggle so I back away. Toby appears in the doorway. "Damn." He looks stunning! His dark hair is swooped and spiked. He's wearing a tight black shirt, and jeans. He looks really good, no not good. My boyfriend is a hottie!


"Nothing, you look great!" I smile. He smirks and pull me towards him. I giggle.

"Oh do I?"

"Oh, shut up." I lay my hands on his chest. He laughs then kisses my face. Haha, it tickles.

"Stop!" I laugh. He pulls back, rgeb starts to kiss me. He's so cute.

"Come on we gotta get going." I say even though I don't want him to stop.

"Ugh, I'm kinda nervous."


"Well I wanna make a good impression. Not that I care what anyone thinks of me. I just want your mom to know that her daughter is in good hands." He sighs.

"Don't worry, if she loves me, she will definitely love you." I tap his nose.

"Alright." He sighs.

"Come on." I grab his hand then dash out of the door. He laughs.

"I'm nervous, Kat." He says as we walk. I squeeze his hand.

"Toby, you'll be okay. There's nothing to not like about you." I try to cheer him up.

"Eh.." He sighs.

I stop in mid tracks. I turn towards him. "Stop. Your perfect. You will not mess anything up."

He smiles. "Kat, I'm not perf-" I stop him.

"You are to me." I cup his cheek. He holds my wrist that was on his cheek. I smile.

"Your so cute, Kat." He chuckles.


"Its funny how you think a psychotic killer is pefect." He grabs my hand then we start to walk. I guess that is amusing but I think he's perfect for me.

"What if she asks me questions?! Damn I didn't even think about that!"

"Just lie. Its better if she didn't even know." I sigh.


We approach my house. He stops and groans. "Ugh, come on Toby." I drag him along.

"You'll be okay." I say. He just nods. Ugh, just believe me. Before I could knock my mom opens the door. A smile reaches across her face. See she already loves him.

"Hi, I'm Nicole Karlile!" She shakes his hand. (Oh yes that's Kat's last name, I've never mentioned it cuz I didn't think the fabric would be so long xD)

"Toby rogers, so nice to meet you." He smiles friendly at her. This is going great so far.

"Please come in." She let's us both in. She stops me then whispers.

"He's really cute." I laugh, then playfully slap her. She tries not to laugh.

"Let's take a seat!" I suggest. We all sit. Wow, you can actually feel the awkward.

"So, Toby how old are you?" She smiles at him.

"Oh, I'm 18."

"Interesting, so one really important question. How are you gonna support my baby girl?" She says.

"Mom." I groan. She's embarrassing me.

"Well ya see. Both my parents passed away so I have most of their money. And right now I'm doing online collage." He says. What?! The lies! I look at him in amazement. How did he think of all these lies so fast!?

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." She says with a guilty expression. Good job! He made her have a soft spot for him.

"It's fine."

"Well by Kat's behavior, she is definitely in love!"She smiles brightly. I just died!

"M-Mom!" I cover my face. I'm so embarrassed.

"Its true. Just stating the facts." My mom says. Toby just laughs at me.

"Its alright, I already know." Toby says.

"Shut up." I growl. They both laugh at me. Hey at least they aren't being rude to each other! But laughing at me!


"Well, it was so nice to meet you." My mom smiles, and shakes Toby's hand. Toby did great today! His lies helped....god who cares I lie anyways. I tell my mom I'm gonna walk Toby out. She smiles and nods. Toby holds my hand.

"She's probably peeking through the window, so be in love as possible." I say.

"Alright." He laughs and keeps smiling at me.

"The smiling is a nice touch." I laugh.

"Yeah that's why I'm doing it."

"How did you lie so easily?" I ask. He sighs.

"Well I just thought of what I would really do. So yeah." He nods.

"Well you did good." I smile kindly at him. He holds my waist. "My mom." I whisper.

"Yeah, she'll see how much we love each other." He teases.

"Alright."  I laugh. He kisses me then hugs me.

"Bye!" I wave.

"See you later."  He smiles.

I go back inside. I wonder if my mom saw that. Probably. Hey, every couple is affectionate most if the time. When I get in she has a huge grin on her face.

"Katarina you did well."


"I can see that he cares for you, the way he looks at you." She stops, then goes on. "And he's doing collage which is great, but you two are so young." She sighs.

Ugh, not this shit again. She was 18 when she got married like what the fuck? Why is she telling me we are too young. Okay, I'm not gonna yell at her.

"I know that, but so were you." I say the last part quietly.

"I know, I know. I just don't want you to end up like me..."

"Mom, he wouldn't hurt me. I know that." I say.

She nods. "I can tell, he is considerate, and he loves you. I know that." She smiles. Then surprises me with a unexpected embrace. I know she loves me and cares for me. She can't stop me from being with him...I just ask for her to respect that. I'm not sure how the wedding will go...



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