Chapter 5- music class

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Finally I had found the music room, today was my first music class. We had to play one instrument, sing and compose a song in this class, so it was basically my cup of tea. I entered to room to see almost everyone in the class already there. I looked around at a semi circle of chairs that's when I noticed Hannah sat by some random girl chatting away. There was a spare seat next to her or one on the other end of the semicircle next to a boy with brown hair who looked relatively similar to me. I decided to sit by the latter. "Hey mate is this seat taken?" I asked the boy.

"Nope sit there if you want. I'm Brandon by the way," the boy smiled at me as I sat down. I notice Hannah's eyes flicker over to me at one point before she turned away and pretended not to see me. On my other side was a girl, she had blonde hair, blue eyes and olive skin, she was gorgeous. She turned to me smiling with perfectly straight and white teeth "Hi, I'm Charl," she said. I almost couldn't respond she was so pretty but I forced the words out of my mouth, "Hi I'm Bailey."

"There's a bonfire tonight for the students," she said, "maybe we could go together?" she finished and I was awe struck. A girl that beautiful has never asked me out.

"I'd love to!" I reply smiling "Should I meet you at the girl common room at 8?" I ask her. Nodding she opened her mouth as if to say something else but the next moment our teacher entered to room and everyone went silent, part from Brandon who whispered to me, "She's a bit out of your league, don't you think?" I nudged him laughing but deep down I knew this girl was the perfect distraction from Hannah.

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