Chapter 9- the morning after

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I woke up feeling warmer than usual; I was still curled up with Hannah. She looked so peaceful, now that she was asleep. I slowly removed myself from my bed. Suddenly concern shooted through me, I looked over to George's bed to see it was completely empty and there had been no signs of any one sleeping in it. It was a Saturday morning and although I was not drunk last night, my head was still pounding. I walked over to the dorm and made sure I was extremely quiet as I shut it behind me.

I entered the boys common room shortly after. George wasn't in here after, which made me wonder where he had been all night. I wandered over to the fridge in the corner of the room, I rooted through all the alcohol, (probably from last nights party) until I finally found two bottles of water. With my water I my hand I also snatched up two cheese toasties, then made my way back to my room.

I opened the door and Hannah looked up at me, worry evident in her eyes.
"I was wondering where you'd gone," She croaked.
"I've brought us some hang over fixers," I laughed as I handed her a cheese toastie as well as a bottle of water. We did not speak again until both of us had devoured our toasties. Hannah was the first to speak, "Bailey?" Her voice faltered slightly, "Thanks so much for last night. I just, I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there."
I looked at Hannah my eyes full of sympathy, "Han?" She looked up, "I was just wondering where was George? He was at the party wasn't he?"
"He was at the party, but him and Georgie went back to our dorm so she could grab a coat. They never came back." Hannah explained to me.
I felt confused why would they go to get a coat and not come back at all? Something was going on.
"Bails, I'm going to go get changed is that okay?" Hannah asked me.
"Yeah that's fine," I smiled at her, "Have you got something to wear?"
"I was just going to wear my jeans and..." she faltered she could no longer wear her blouse. I wandered over to my wardrobe and pulled out my smallest and favourite top. "Wear this," I chucked the top to Hannah with my top in her hand, she left to go to the toilet and get changed.

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