Yet have You Blessed Me

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Though my very soul be full of sin
Yet have You blessed me.
Though I have rejected You in times past
Yet do You love me still.
Though I have ignored the calling of Your Spirit in times past
Yet do You call out softly, longing for me.
And now, as You reveal to me Your mercies
I weep bitterly at the sin I have drowned myself in.
Yet do You reach for my outstretched hand.
Yet do You call out to me amidst the crash of the waves,
"My child, my child. Your sins are forgiven.
What you were is no more."
And You cleanse me with fire
And clothe me in Your righteousness
And feed me from Your table.
Yet am I overwhelmed.
I am inadequate and unworthy still.
Yet Your words still ring true,
"My grace is sufficient for you, my Child."

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