Happy Birthday To Nialler!

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  A/N: Okay it's not ending! :) I had some lovely feedback! And happy birthday Nialler! :D xoxo        

            "WAKE UP!" Zayn wailed, jumping onto Niall. 

"AHHH! MY CROTCH YOU BASTARD!" Niall snarled, grabbed, Zayn's shoulders, and tossed him onto the floor. "Ugh, I've been away from Ireland for a week and I'm getting pumbled and smooshed."

"Sorry....I'll fix your crotch for you." Zayn grinned. 

"No. Bite me." 

"Mmmm gladly."


"Someone's cranky."

"I'm hungry."

"Well, there is a birthday breakfast waiting for you downstairs. Everyone is here for you."

"Yaaaay!" Niall grinned and jumped up and down. He raced downstairs and hugged Liam, Louis, and Harry. "Thank you, lads!"

"No problem, mate." Harry forced himself to smile as he sat down at the table.

                "Did you wash your hands?" Liam protested.

Niall smirked, "I'm nineteen years old."

"I REPEAT...."

"Okay! No!" Niall jumped up and hurried to the loo. He came back and flopped down at the table, flipping Liam off. 

"I have one too." Liam flashed his middle finger back at Niall then joined the lads at the table. Zayn had just entered the kitchen. He was smiling, "So are we gonna sing?"

"Noooo!" Niall groaned, "I want to eat!"

"Fine. Eat. However, you will get a 'Happy Birthday' sometime or another."

Smiling, Niall devoured his delicious breakfast and drank some coffee down with it. 

"So today we have the entire day planned out." Liam began as he took out a list. Zayn slowly rubbed his forehead, "A list? Shouldn't it be what Nialler wants?"

"Shut up." Liam muttered. 

                Paul then bounded through the door, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LITTLE LEPERCHAUN!" he grinned and scooped Niall up.

"WAAAA!" Niall wailed.

Paul gave him kisses and ruffled his hair, "How are you?!"



"My di--"

Zayn clasped his hand over Niall's mouth, "He slept on his shoulder."

"Oh. Hmm." Paul grabbed a bite of bacon and chowed down on it. Niall glared at Zayn and squatted his hand away, "So what're we doing today, Paul?" he asked.

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"I dunno. Ask Liam."


"I have a list of things that Nialler would love to do....FYI."

"Like what?" Niall pressed.


"Go on."

"....Nando's again...."

"I'm feeling ya'. Keep going."

"And that's it."

His face fell, "That's it?"

"Isn't that enough?"

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