My Knight in shinning Armor

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I wake in a dark room, im about to panic when i feel that there is someone beside me, i look over and Aaron is sitting there staring at me.

He smiles those perly white teeth at me, i have a confused look upon my face.

"Long story short i came to tell you what i really thought about you, But thats when i heard you screaming so i ran as fast as I could up those devilish stairs, that's when i saw your Father standing over you with the belt and bottle, i was so mad i knocked him out." he said with a smirk palying on his lips.

oh those lips how they were perfect so plump so beautifuly red...........wait what stop thinking about his lips hes your best friend that happens to in the same bed as you and that saved your life?

"Hello, Earth to drew?"

"Why" i blurted out without thinking.

he looks at me confused.

"Why, what?" he asked looking at me as i blushes a crimison pink.

"Your beautiful you know that right?" he said which only made me blush harder.

I pushed his shoulder and i giggle and smotherd my face in the pillow which was perveously sitting beside me.

i peeked at the clock and relised it was only 2:30 am.

"HOLY MOTHER CRAPPER" I yelled so loud that it made Aaron jump.

"what, what is it" he asked looking at me at worried.

"It's 2:30 am in the god damn morning Arron"  I say yawning.

"Go back to sleep Beauty ill be here when you wake" Aaron said and kissed my cheek.

i slid back under the covers and had the best sleep i have ever had.

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