Mission 7- Grimm, demons and Cerberus, oh my!

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Aruka awoke to Grimm surrounding him, and team RWBY. They seemed to be at the center of a square area surrounded by buildings. Aruka couldn't believe it. He heard the very faint sound of someone calling him out, but due to the ringing in his ears he could barely make it out. He only heard the words, "Aruka, get up!" As he shook his head, he stood up ready to face the Grimm that were about to attack.

The giant King Taijitu, which is a giant two headed snake Grimm, screeched out and Ruby lunged forward, slamming her scythe into the ground. She used it to spin around and kick the Grimm running after her. Yang jumped onto a Grimm and fired herself upward. She kept firing her Ember Celica at the Grimm below. She reloaded and turned to see three small nevermore birds cut at her with their talons making her fall to the ground. Blake on the other hand changed her blade into a pistol and fired at the grimm attacking her. Weiss sliced and jabbed at any Grimm that got near her. Aruka stood in the center and watched and just knocked Grimm back when they got too close, using Ruby and Sapphire to shoot at any grimm that manages to get close or get in the girl's blind spots.

Then they heard something and Nora came in flying on her hammer. She hit the head of the King Taijitu and yelled out "Nora Smash!" Aruka sighed in defeat, "Fuck it. Logic is long gone by now." Aruka shot a beowolf trying to sneak up behind him. "You aren't catching me off guard." He turned to shoot two sneaking up on Weiss. Aruka then equipped Brelldrog and rushed at a Beowolf coming up behind Blake. He punched then uppercut the Grimm and sent it over her head making it land in front of her to stab with her blade. "Thanks." she called to him. "No worries kitty cat." Then suddenly she stares at him with surprise. "How did you-" she began to speak but Aruka pulled her aside and use Wolf's Cry and fired at a grimm heading towards them. "Focus on the fight. We can talk later." He let her go and turned to see airships coming over their heads.

Robotic soldiers dropped down from the sky and started shooting at the Grimm. Aruka realized it was backup, thank god for the citizens that they are here. He turned to see Emerald, Mercury and a friend of theirs. she had black hair and amber eyes with a red dress with gold linings on outlining the ends of her dress. The girl with raven black hair nodded to them as both Mercury and Emerald ran to the fighting and attacked the grimm. He glared at the amber eyed girl and she smiled staring right back at him. "I don't like her." he muttered before firing behind his back under his arm with Wolf's Cry. (known as Backslide)

A/n: Caffeine by Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams

Another airship came over their heads but this one held four well trained huntsmen and huntresses from Vale. It was none other than team CFVY. The tallest of the four members, called Yatsuhashi, had a giant broadsword almost the size of his height. He was, at first glance, maybe 6 feet, give or take a few inches. He was surrounded by grimm but all he did was unsheathe his sword and slam it into the ground and all the grimm died from it. Two other members were fighting the grimm with their bare hands. One was a blind fox faunus. His name was coincidentally Fox.

The other was Velvet Scarlatina. They both took on beowolves and succeeded. Fox looked around and "saw" an Ursa. He attacked it and with almost no effort he took it down with his bare hands. Because of the needles on the Ursa it exploded causing the needles to go everywhere including into its own allies. Coco the leader of team CFVY was all about fashion. She knocked some of the needles coming her way with her handbag.

She smiled and... ahem... smacked Fox in the butt. "Nice hustle Fox. Good job." She walked up in front of a large beowolf. Larger than normal. And she stared and said while she pulled down her shades, "You just destroyed my favorite clothing store." She put her shades back up to where they should rest and spit to the side. "Prepare to die."

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