Mission 12.5- Tipping point

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"Another day, another adventure!" Nora said happily as the group was walking down a trail. "What's on the agenda today?" Ruby asked. And Jaune in a happy sarcastic remark says, "Walking!" "With a side of...?" Nora began to ask. Ren immediately states walking. Ruby looks down and sighs, "Haven is a lot farther away than I thought." Ren then asks her, "Ruby... How long did you think this journey was going to take?" Ruby then just burst out, "I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home."

Jaune then asked her the same thing, "Yeah but... how long?" "Maybe like uh... Two weeks?" Jaune burst out, "What?!" "Okay, fine three or something!" She then yelled back. "Look, whatever." She looked up and asked the group, "Hey what's that?" Everyone looked up and saw there were buildings. "That's strange..." Jaune began to say, "I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few days." Then Nora who was trying to get a better view said, "Are those buildings... damaged?"

Everyone then looked at each other and nodded. "We should search for survivors!" Jaune said as everyone ran quickly to the village. As the group entered they searched around for anyone. "Anything?" Ruby called. "Nothing over here!" Nora stated. "It almost seems like, the town was abandoned." Ren said. Nora called out, "Hey, I think I found something!" Everyone ran to her and she brushed aside some plants to reveal a name.

"Oniyuri? Never heard of it.." She said. "Me neither." Jaune told everyone. Then Ren spoke up, "I have. You might think of it as Anima's Mountain Glenn, had it never been completed. Year's ago, the richest members of Mistral were unhappy with how the kingdom was being run. Frustrated with the council, they pooled their resources to build their own city.. With their own laws. They hoped that one day, it could maybe even become its its own kingdom. Many thought it would be the future." He began walking away slowly. "I know my parents did."

Ruby then asked, "What happened?" He swiped away some dust covering claw marks and said, "What always happens." "The Grimm..." Jaune said. But then Ren stated, "Not just any one." Which confused the whole group. "One?" Ruby questioned but was never answered. "Come on, let's just get through here. This place gives me the creeps." They began walking to get out of the town. As they neared the exit, Ren felt something was wrong.

Ren motioned his hand out for everyone to stop. Then a man jumped far over them and landed far in front with his weapons ready. He was carrying two of the same weapon in each hand. They looked like pincers from a scorpion. He ran quickly towards Ruby but Ren stopped him in his tracks trying to fight him off. Ren kicked at the man but he managed to block and shove Ren off. Ren began firing at the man to which he used his weapons to block and swipe at Ren who was barely able to block due to the man's very high speed.

The man swung his leg but Ren managed to get out of the way but was flung back due to the man swinging his blades at him. The man ran at Ruby so fast she barely had time to block or get an attack in. She blocked his first attack but was shoved back. He went in fast and kicked her and swiped his blades piercing her aura. The man then swung at Jaune who tried to block only to have the man jump on his shield and have a good look at him before jumping off to dodge Nora's hammer.

He smashed himself into a building and by doing the splits, he kept himself from falling. "We're not looking for a fight!" Jaune called. "Who are you?" Ren asked the man to which he just smiled and landed on the ground in front of them on his feet. "Who I am matters not to you." He pointed at Ren, "Or you..." he then pointed at Nora then he went to Jaune and said, "Or.... Well... You do interest me." Jaune looked at him surprised.

"No, I only matter... to you." He then pointed at Ruby who was standing behind the three students he mentioned. "Me?" Ruby questioned. He began laughing, "You - you haven't the slightest clue, do you? Oh, how exciting this must be!" The man said. "What do you want?" Ruby questioned. "Oh, the rose has thorns! My little flower, I'm here to whisk you away with me!" Nora stood in front of Ruby and asked, "Well, what if she doesn't want to go with you?"

"Well. I'll take her." Then Jaune stood in front of both Ruby and Nora and told him, "We're not going to let you do that." The man known as Tyrian then smiled. "Good." He then launched at Jaune, Ren, Ruby and Nora. Tyrian quickly went behind Jaune and was about to get slammed away when Ren took aim and fired his guns, hitting both Jaune's shield and Tyrian but only after he blocked.

Tyrian lept onto Jaune's shield and twirled around dodging gunfire from Ren. Ruby ran up to him but was easily kicked away as he landed on the ground. Jaune took this opportunity to try to slash at Tyrian, but he bent backwards, limboing underneath his sword. Tyrian twirled in the air upside down and kicked Jaune in the back of the head and then in the face sending him flying. Tyrian then ran towards Nora, turning his head out of the way just before a bullet of fueled with lightning dust wizzed by his head and hitting Nora.

Tyrian then looked to her then to the one who took the shot, which was Ruby, and was laughing manically. "Well! If that isn't ironic." Tyrian said with a smile. but the others were just staring at him. Nora then came from behind him and smashed her hammer into him. But when the dust settled she only hit a scorpion stinger. "Surprise!" Tyrian laughed, kicking Nora away and jumping to building roof.

"He's... a Faunus!" Ren said shocked. "What is this about? The White Fang? Roman Torchwick?" Ruby question. "Plastic soldiers and pawns! My heart and body belong only to our goddess!" Tyrian told them. "Cinder..." Ruby growled, but Tyrian gave off a bit more information than he should have. "Only in her wildest dreams!"

Now Tyrian launched himself at Ruby and with his ferocious attacks and speed, Ruby was unable to keep up with him. At this point Ruby was just Tyrian's plaything. knocking her back he then attacked Ren, Jaune and Nora, easily tiring them out and knocking them to the ground before rushing after Ruby and breaking through her aura, kicking her to the ground ready to sting her with his stinger. When suddenly Qrow blasted through a wall at tremendous speed catching Ruby and being moved to safety due to the speed he was moving at.

What took Ruby's place, was a being unlike anything seen before. A demon stared Tyrian dead in the eye while having a grip on his stinger. It growled and then swung Tyrian around it like a doll and tossed him away. "Hey kid." Qrow smiled at Ruby while they both looked at the demon in front of them. "WHO DARES GET IN MY WAY?! YOU'RE RUINING ALL MY FUN!" Tyrian yelled in rage. The Demon merely growled and summoned a sheath and sword. He unsheathed his weapon and it resembled that of a sword similar to the Yamato, and Ruby then put all the pieces together. Looking to the Demon she asked, "Aruka? is that you?"

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