Mission 19- Training, and a loving reunion

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Oscar and Ruby are training in hand to hand combat whilst Aruka was off to the side training with Retribution, and Jaune, Nora and Ren were watching. "Man, Oz wasn't kidding. Oscar's picking up on this stuff fast." Jaune says. Oscar then hit Ruby straight in her face. Ruby recoils from the blow and looks at him visibly angry. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Oscar apologizes. Ruby then hits Oscar back and he lands a few feet away on the ground as Jaune and Nora wince. "Ha! Yes! I did it!" Ruby cheers.

Jaune looks over at Aruka who hasn't stopped training since Oscar showed up. He was breathing heavily and kept slicing at the air. "Something is wrong with Aruka, he hasn't stopped training since he started." Jaune tells Nora. "I know. I'm worried about him." Nora says. Ruby looks over to the half-demon and sighs. "Something is troubling you Miss Rose. What seems to be the problem?" Ozpin asks just recently taking over control. "It's Aruka. Ever since you told him about how he isn't a threat to his brother he's been like this."

"Do not worry. Aruka just needs his time to think to himself. I didn't just tell him that because he needs to get stronger. I also did it because it seems to keep him motivated." Ozpin told her. "We all have our weaknesses, our strengths, and our fears. We can't expect everything to go our way. We all have to strengthen ourselves, and conquer our own fears. We just need time to do so. Time that we may not have. And speaking of, I do believe we should get back to training." He says with a smirk before attacking Ruby, but with Aruka he looks over his shoulder at Ozpin as he heard every word before going back to training.

Unspecified timeskip

Aruka and the rest of team RNJR were in the kitchen cooking for the group of Huntsmen and Huntresses Qrow was gonna bring back. "Alright, the first batch is just about done." Ren said with a smile. "Awesome! Now we just need Qrow and we'll be all set." Ruby said with glee. "Do you really think he's gonna bring that many people? This is a lot of food." Nora asks while eating some carrots. "Uh, I don't know, but it sounds like we could use all the help we can get.

"I'm back!" Qrow called from in the living room in front of the entrance. "Be right there!" Ruby called back. "You're going to overcook that." Ren tells Ruby. "No I'm not, shut up!" She says to him a bit annoyed. "Hey, uh, Ruby?" Qrow calls again. "I'm coming!" Ruby calls back. Some smoke comes from the pan Ruby is cooking with and Aruka steps in. "Why don't you let me handle this Rubes?" He asked with a smile. Ruby blushed a bit and nodded. She then grabs the tea tray and heads to the living room.

"So, we didn't know how many people were coming, so we just cooked all of it." She says while looking down at the tray. When she looks up, she gasps as she drops the tea tray and its contents, which shatter on the floor. She stares in disbelief at the sight of not only Qrow, but Yang and her teammate Weiss. "Yang, I... I'm so sorry! I- I should've stayed, and I should've talked to you more! I'd-- I just... I wasn't sure if you wanted me around and-" Ruby was cut off by her big sister giving her a strong hug. Ruby's lips quiver, and she looks toward her sister.

"I love you." Yang tells her as tears stream from her eyes. Ruby sobs as she leans into her sister's hug. "I love you too." Ruby sobs. Jaune, Ren and Nora enter the room whilst Aruka stays back agreeing to look after the food. They smile at the sight of the two sisters embracing each other. Qrow smiles as well and Oscar enters the room as well. He looks up, seeing Ruby and Yang hugging, and smiles. Weiss smiles and wipes tears from her eyes before frowning while looking down.

"Weiss." Ruby calls to her. Weiss looks up, and sees the two sisters open their arms up for her. She smiles and eagerly joins them in their hug. Everyone smiles happily as they watch the three of the four Team RWBY members embrace each other. The three then release the group hug.

Aruka finally walks into the room and sees the loving reunion and frowns looking down, knowing he hasn't ever had much of a loving reunion except when it comes to Dante and Nero. "Aruka?" Yang questioned. Aruka looked up to see a bewildered Yang and Weiss. "Hey you two. Been a while huh?" Aruka chuckled. Yang walked up to him slowly as if he was a ghost. "Is it... really you?" Yang questions. "Yeah... yeah it's me." Aruka said with a frown looking away.

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