Is it a Date?

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Russia's Pov: 

I woke up before my alarm went off, surprisingly, and sat up. I looked over at America and started to panic for a minute wondering why he was in my bed right next to me before I remembered last night. I thought about what happened. What I had let happen...

I probably should have just let America heal then kick him out. I even played games with him! Ahhg! Now he was gonna think we are friends and shit. I mean, he was nice and all, but he was a capitalist! His dad nor my dad would ever approve of this! Especially my dad!

Also, My sisters were home. It was pure luck they hadn't come into my room. There is a chance Bel would keep her mouth shut, but Ukraine would most likely tell. Ukraine and I used to be very close but over time she had started to hang out with a lot of the other Europeans I don't get along with.

I lean over to America to shake him up, looking up and down his sleeping body before I do. I shake him slowly but he stays solid. I shake him a bit harder but he stays sleeping. Continuing the pattern of shaking him harder as time passes I am practically jumping on him and he is just now showing signs of awakening. Damn is he a hard sleeper. When he opened his eyes he noticed the position I had put him in where I was right on top of him. Our faces heated up before I rolled off him.

America: "What th-"

Me: "Shh-. My sisters are here! I think you might need to go out of the window.. Sorry.."

America sighed and immediately showed sorrow in his eyes but knew he had to go. He hopped out the bed and walked over to the window.

Me: "You should probably climb down the tree, after all, it is the second floor also do you need a jacket for the snow it is col-"

America: "Nope! I'm good. Bye, Ruski!"

He jumped out the now open window and fell right into the snow. I rushed over to the window and looked out. All I saw was snow. I started to panic. Soon after that, I saw Alfred's head pop out from the snow.

He pushed himself out with his arms as if it were quicksand and soon he was all the way out. He looked back at the window to see my head popping out.

Me: "OhmagashAmericaareyoualrigh-"

America: "I can't hear anything you say when you say it so fast. Also, I'm fine, see ya later Ruski! Let's do this again sometime!" 

I watch as he walks out onto the pavement and continues to walk down. I watch him from behind all the way. He turns around just before he is out of sight and waves goodbye one last time.

When he was out of sight I shut the window and plopped down on my bed. I snatched out my phone to watch memes but eventually just set it down and turned it off. I stared at the white ceiling in thought.

Alfred had just left, but I already felt lonely. I was often alone, but lonely wasn't how I would describe myself. Right now I was alone and lonely. Well, my sisters were here, just not in my room. I had often been alone without anyone but never had I longed this bad for someone to be with me... Or at least one person, in particular, that is.

I got hold of my phone again and went to text America.

the Italicized text is Russia

The normal text is America. 


Hey meri! You make it home safe?

Yep! I'm all good! Thanks for asking ruski!

Want to hang out again? Not now, but soonish? After school maybe?

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