The New Kid At School

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Alfred's Pov :

It seems I have just gone to sleep, and yet my alarm clock is ringing. I can practically feel the bags around my eyes. I didn't get much sleep last night, like most nights. I rolled onto my arm in an attempt to get up but winced in pain being I had just put all my weight on my bandages.

I quickly hopped out of bed and went to my clothing closet. I picked out a shirt that said "NASA" and slid it on. I pulled on my "NATO" jacket and went to the bathroom. I combed my hair and started peeling off my bandages.

I stared up and down my arm, looking at all the cuts and burn marks. I thought about when I got them all. What every cut was for. Why I had them. I then quickly forced my eyes away and pulled out new bandages.

Canada: "Come on, America! The pancakes are done!"

I finished doing the rest of the bandages and set them back into their hiding place. I walked over to the stairs and sleepily walked down them.

Canada: "Heres your pancakes!"

Me: "No thanks... Canada. I'm good."

Canada : "Why haven't you been eating as much recently?"

Me: "No reason. Just not hungry."

Canda: "oh.. Well.. If you ever want to like, NOT starve to death, call me!"

Me: "Heh. Will do, Brother."

I pulled on my backpack and walked out the door. UK must have been on another business trip. France was likely still asleep. She usually sleeps late. I walked to school for my first day back and noticed someone on my pathway.

There he was. Russia. None other than my hereditary enemy. What do I mean by that? Well, you see, I have no good reason to hate Russia nor his siblings, it is just his dad and my dad's rivalry that causes hate. I and Russia don't talk much because our parents don't allow it.

I continued on my path staring at Russia. He didn't seem to take notice of me staring at him. He was only a small way in front of me. I kept walking behind him until he heard my step. He quickly spun around and took a glace at me.

Russia: "What do you want, Capitalist?"

Me: "Nothing, Communist, I just have to take this path to school."

Russia: "Well find a new path, Capitalist Pig!"

I hated it when people called me that. I realize that it is name for name, since I call him "Communist", but I just don't like to be called a capitalist. It associates me with my dad, who I don't like nor wish to be associated with. I gave me instant memories of times with him. Abusive times with him, that is.

Me: "How so?"


Me: "uhhh.."

Russia: "Go find a new path, or get beat up. Your choice."

Me: "What is your problem with me? What did I do to you? Ever?"


Me: "So just because of my dad you hate me?"

Russia: "Look, Capitalist, go somewhere else, now, or get beaten up. Last warning!"

I have no idea what I am supposed to do. Russia is like, super strong, I may be popular, bit I am kinda weekish. I have no other path though, so what do I do?? I just continue walking, thinking over my option when suddenly a fist swings at cheek.

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