teacups (thorbruce/ironstrange)

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quiet calm chapter until the end uwu*
thor and tony are insane when it comes to the rides

wc: 769


"Hey, let's go to this carnival. I heard it's coming to a town outside New York.You guys wanna go?" Tony asked Thor and Bruce as he walked into the living room with Stephen.

"Tony I don't think th-" Bruce started, but he was interrupted by his boyfriend.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, friend Stark!" Thor smiled at him before looking at Bruce, who had gently slapped his arm.

"Thor, you do know there's a risk for me, you know," Bruce sighed. "Hulking out."

Thor smiled at him. "Then you won't have to go on the overexciting rides, huh? Yes, you'll be missing out a little, but you won't harm anyone," he explained.

Bruce huffed quietly and nodded reluctantly. "Alright, fine. You and Tony can go on the exciting rides like children. Stephen and I can wait on the ground for you two. How's that sound?" He asked, looking at the other couple.

"I'm fine with that idea. Tony?" Strange agreed, looking down at Tony next to him.

"Sounds great. Point Break and I can go on the roller coasters and everything first, then we'll find the calmer rides," Tony planned out.

"Great. Let's go then," Stephen said, gesturing for the others to come with them.

~whoosh timeskip to the carnival ~

"Four wristbands please," Tony stated to the ticket lady, smiling at her.

"Of course, Mr. Stark," she responded, smiling back and gathering together the wristbands. She slid them through the little whole and took the cash, counting it out. As she was about to slide back the change, Tony shook his head.

"Keep the change. You're gonna thank me for it," Tony told her, taking the wristbands. He turned to the other three and smiled. He handed two of the wristbands to Thor and Bruce, letting them put them on themselves. He and Stephen put each others on before they started over to the other rides.

"Stark, this one seems interesting," Thor remarked as they walked up to a large ride that was going.

The 'Zipper' as it was called was spinning  twelve cages around. The rides on their belt were moving, as well as the large back panel it was on. The line was also quite short, so they wouldn't have to wait long.

"Alright, let's get to it. Stephen, could you guys go get some drinks for us?" Tony asked, standing in line.

Stephen smiled and nodded. "Of course. Bruce, let's find them something." The two walked away from Tony and Thor before stopping out of earshot.

"We're totally gonna get a cup and just fill it with ice, right?" Stephen quickly asked. Bruce snorted in amusement and nodded.

~smol time skip to teacups ;))~

"Bruce! Look at the giant spinning cups! It would be delightful for you to join Tony and I on them!" Thor beamed, pointing at the teacups ride.

"Ah, jeez, Thor, that's not a good idea. Tony likes spinning the cup a lot," Bruce sighed.

"The two of us can go on a separate one then, Bruce," Stephen offered, shrugging a bit.

"Oh, wonderful. Thor, buddy, you're in for a wild ride," Tony chuckled, smirking.

The four walked up to the kid with the tickets, showed him their wristbands, and paired up in cups. Bruce and Stephen sat across from each other, already delving into a peaceful conversation about their boyfriends. Meanwhile, Tony had begun preparing Thor for when the ride would start.

"So, Point Break, the best way to ride the teacups is to spin this table as fast as possible," Tony explained, grabbing onto the table and moving it a little.

Thor nodded softly in understanding. "So, like this?" He asked before grabbing onto it and pulling its few times, starting the make the cup spin a little.

Tony laughed and grabbed the table, slowing it down. "Exactly like that, but only when the ride starts. Otherwise it won't be as fun." As soon as he said that, the ride kicked in and started moving.

Thor smiled widely at Tony and grabbed the table, starting to spin it. Tony spun it with him.

The ride started moving faster, and Bruce and Stephen spun their ride very slowly, continuing to talk.

"Y'know, Tony can be so crazy at times. I have no clue how he has so much energy," Stephen sighed.

"Its the same with Thor, but he has the electricity so it makes sense," Bruce chuckled.

The two heard screaming and looked out at the other teacups before seeing Thor and Tony spinning at a record speed, screaming very loudly.

"They're not good for each other," Stephen sighed, shaking his head.

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